Usually around the first few days of January, I do this big, long post with all my ambitious yearly goals.

I meant to do it, like, at least 15 days ago if not 20. I was thinking about it. And then… I just kinda got busy doin’ stuff over the end of my holiday break and it didn’t happen. Let’s at least rectify that in a half assed way on January 20th, shall we? *Ahem*. Let’s start up the goal machine! Does it look very similar to last year? Yep. We call that… CONSISTENCY!!!
#1 The small kettlebell I’m carrying around that I don’t want to be.
While trying to lose weight continues to feel like banging my head against a brick wall, the other option is giving up, which is not going to happen. I did that for like a month in December, and I gained back most of what I lost last year. Bad idea, 2/10, do not recommend. So… here we go again!
- Track food daily, aiming for 1200 calories + activity, averaging out to this or lower on a weekly basis
- Many, and many different types of vegetables, and reintroducing fruit into my life as snacks
- Breakfast salads are the bomb, keep up this trend
- My favorite brown relaxant (whiskey) and I need to have a talk. As is per usual, I spent the end of the year stressing, then celebrating, so we spent a little too much time together. We need to set some boundaries with each other.
Like, I know how to make all this work. It’s just maddeningly difficult to put into practice with enough consistency to make progress. Usually in January I sound so hopeful about this. This year, I’m just not. I don’t have a number goal because it feels futile. Regardless, we shall continue on, rebuilding the good habits I had in months like last Jan/Feb and Nov, where I started to see progress, and see if I can keep these practices up more months than not to get some momentum that I can’t manage to undo in a month.
#2 Sporty Sports Goals
This is a fun one because my big scary goal is scheduled in 3 weeks. Yep, just getting that 50k out of the way February 8th! Then, the name of the game is, you guessed it, CONSISTENCY. Right now, we’re doing these big, long weekend hike/run things where I’m recovering for half the week after (just walking). When I get back to shorter stuff, I can run (bike?) (swim??) almost every day for 30-60mins instead of just being a weekend warrior (better for injury prevention, fitness, and calorie burn). Not that I’m not having fun doing what I’m doing right now… I totally am. But I’m ready for long days to be like 2-3 hours vs 7 and to have non-walk activities on the calendar more days than not.

So… goals.
- Complete a 50k trail race
- Continue to lift 3x week and walk at least a mile per day (since the treadmill is now in play for this streak, I need to be extremely injured or on my deathbed to break it)
- Maintain run fitness so a 10k run wouldn’t be a stretch (maybe a little bit of a stretch between July and Sept because of the weather but not too much of one)
- Bring biking and swimming back into my life in Spring (like once a week? just so the tri training in summer isn’t a shock to the system)
- Race a triathlon in Sept
- Figure out what other races I’d like to do and sign up for some stuff! More tris? Road races? More trails? A… bike ride? Who knows?
I don’t see this as a “smashing PRs” year, I think I’d be really happy just to stay relatively injury free and maintain some good fitness. Maybe that mindset will change throughout later on but I’m happy to complete a 50k then just kinda have some random race goals to keep me active and fit and burning calories CONSISTENTLY.
#3 Adulting
The year started off with some major adulting when a rodent utterly and completely chewed through our 2012 Xterra’s wiring and totaled the car, so we had to replace it. We weren’t happy about the unplanned cost and were fine with what we had, but now we have Truck Truck (final name TBD) and absolutely love it. You wouldn’t think that a truck could feel like an absolute luxury vehicle, but it does! It can start with an app, basically can drive itself, and is soooo comfortable. And unless we get a 4-bedroom trailer or something, it can tow darn near anything reasonable if/when upgrade the lunar lander.

Even though we went with the cheapest (new) option that could comfortably tow what we wanted, it was still a large chunk of change, so we are probably going to hold off on big new expensive projects this year. But still… stuffs we’d like to do
- Even though the truck can’t fit in the garage, we still need to clean it out – this is a spring goal (once it’s not cold AF and also once we move Joel’s work office stuff back into his work office)
- Same spring timeline – also get everything cleaned out of my office that is not my work stuff, music stuff, or retro gaming once I can move my work office stuff back to the work office.
- Joel’s office set up – but I am letting him set the goals, the timeline, and when he’s happy with it. Til then, we’ll just close the door when company comes over 🙂
- Small cleanouts:
- The coffee table and the end table drawers
- The bar cabinets – probably don’t need stuff we haven’t used/drank in 10 years!
- Probably some other stuff
We usually do this stuff in a fit of motivation over the holidays. Hopefully, we can make some time to do this stuff by doing what we did over vacation – spending an hour or two on it just to get some progress made instead of it being this big scary thing we need to start and finish.
In non-decluttering goals:
- Consult with a retirement planner instead of just Wealthfront’s chart to make sure we’re on track.
- Figure out WTF to do with the pool. When it came down this year it wasn’t completely broken but wasn’t in the best shape either. Live with it? Get a new cheapo pool? Get a new nicer pool? See above with the “already spent a lot on the truck” but we kinda
needwant something.

I’m not sure I have any other major adulting to do. I’m caught up on my Dr. appointments (I do owe myself a vision appt but I’m only a month or two late on this). I’m even getting myself a referral to a dermatologist to start doing the mole checks again next month since I’m out in the sun a lot. Look at me, being responsible!
At some point, we want to redo the flooring and redo the patio, but for now, I think that’s future us’s projects. On the horizon, we also would like to consider an investment property of some sort to have passive income as a safety net/retirement plan, but I also don’t feel like the time and climate in 2025 is right for this one yet but obvs will stay open to opportunities if they fall in our laps.
#4 Fun Stuff!
It’s super fun to predict travel and then see how it actually pans out, so here we go:
- Houston weekend (wedding) in January (just got back!)
- 50k race/camping in Huntsville, TX (Feb)
- Another camping trip in spring TBD
- Bonaire diving trip in Apr/May/June
- 4th of July camping trip at Krause Springs
- If we go to EU for work: mediterranean cruise
- Kerrville camping for the race in Sept
- If we don’t go to EU for work: Oct fall foliage cruise on the east coast

I think this about uses up my vacation time if I plan to take Thanksgiving week and some time at Christmas off as well, but I can certainly see the possibility of some shorter camping/weekend trips not planned here. There is a small chance I might end up in the Philippines for work, which would mean a diving trip there (instead of the cruises, probably), so we’re not booking anything yet and are open to pivots.
I also keep having this idea of “vacationing in Austin” – getting a hotel downtown and doing the touristy things I haven’t done yet. Could I do this without a hotel downtown? Sure. I live less than 10 miles away. Will I? Probably not. I’m an enigma, I know, but vacation mindset (go see/do all the things) is so different than home mindset (let’s workout, work, relax, stay close to home, etc) and I think it will take staying right in the middle of all that so it’s all a walk away, not a drive, to make it happen.
In other hobbyist pursuits – I have enough going on that I don’t need to stress myself out about turning these into side hustles with progress checkpoints, but it’s also fun to see where I am in a year with various things and keep myself motivated to do these things vs scroll social media incessantly, so here’s some words!
- Pace myself with my writing, doing it consistently enough so I can pick it up and make an hour of progress on it at a time (not taking 1 hour to get back into it because I put it down for a month). I’d like to finish book 3 for sure (that’s a softball goal) and there’s no reason I shouldn’t be able to at least have a great start and/or finish book 4 in a year, but consistency is the most important thing here.
- Guitar – my goal is to play one song every WFH day. Right now, I’m getting my callouses back so that’s all I can really tolerate. But… hey, consistency. Also, probably more under adulting, I need to get the electric repaired (which is what made me stop playing in the first place last year).
- Photo editing – I’d like to have all 2024 projects done before I go to Bonaire, then after that just not get too far behind. Also, at some point, I should figure out something to do with all these pictures I’m editing but for now, they can live on Facebook, my hard drive, and my backup hard drive. 🙂
- Play lots of Warhammer games with Joel with a goal to have fun and learn the rules. Don’t focus on winning, I mean, winning is nice, but we are SPARRING. My ego isn’t so fragile I have to be the champion at everything.
- Painting? Do I do this anymore? I just have been diverting my creative time to other things, I suppose, but would be nice to pick up a brush this year. Maybe just make the goal to paint my bloodbowl team that’s still in the box a year later.
I’d also like to continue to do stupid stuff like Walko Taco (15 mile walk to all the taco carts in the area) and go to the Taco Museum and otherwise be slightly less of a hermit and go out with friends on the weekends occasionally. Maybe for tacos because that seems to be a theme. But doing random silly stuff because we are silly makes life worth living.

#5 – (Mental) Work Life Balance
I have done a pretty good job establishing great work/life balance in 2024 in terms of work hours, taking time off, etc. However, sometimes I’ll keep work problems with me mentally over nights/weekends and ruminate on it and get cranky about it and it will really affect my mood and productivity and cause me to lose motivation on both work and non-work things. I used to be really great about putting that stuff in a box and taking it back out during office hours. I dunno if I can be THAT perfect about it again, I have a little more of the weight of the world on my shoulders in this position, but I don’t need to sit on the couch on Sunday night when I’m trying to relax and instead overthinking strategy on how to fix whatever the current issue is (and then feel burnt out on Monday when I should be rested and ready to tackle it).
So, my work/life balance goal is to do better at putting work away MENTALLY when I’m done for the day. Maybe schedule me 30 mins every workday to ruminate on the problems instead? Like, can you schedule worrying? If you call it strategizing, of course you can, right? Otherwise, maybe only let myself do that while I’m running or swimming (both great places for me to solve the world’s problems).
So, after putting this together, I think 2025 is about consistency. Track the food daily. Do the workouts that keep me active daily. Clean something out, or at least do some of it every few weekends. Write for an hour most weekends. Play a song every WFH day. Pass on having drinks once a week or every other week when I usually would. Meditate most workdays. Little actions make habits eventually, good or bad ones, and I’m aiming to keep the good and ditch the bad in this year of CONSISTENCY.