You feel a little sheepish about the zipline and urge your best friend to go first.  He puts on a pair of shop goggles for dramatic effect and jumps off, hooting and hollering.

It looks like it’s going to hold!  You can’t believe the pieces of rope and taped up handles are going to hold, but they are.

Then, your friend hits the trampoline.  Being ten, and not yet knowing much about physics, you didn’t anticipate such a large rebound… your friend flies up, almost as high as the fort, and then back down and lands directly on his right arm with a loud POP.

You quickly run in and get his mom, who takes one look at his arm and rushes him to the hospital (it’s the 80s, not the medieval times).  Your mom picks you up from the waiting room, the parents exchange stories, and you are banned from any more ziplining for life… and grounded.  For a long time.

THE END – try again.