**Warning, this is not an exciting post. Proceed at your own risk of falling asleep to numbers and a bit too much self examination**
This is the disclaimer I used to post at the beginning of each of these reports listed below. It’s true, and I can’t see that it’s very interesting to anyone but myself. Today’s blog is mostly for me. If you want to come along for the ride, feel free, but I don’t expect it. However, some of you crazy numbers people might be interested in what sort of self-reporting I was using during a good chunk of my successful weight loss phases.
I seem to have achieved a lot in a week – I got my emotions about it in check. I got my appetite in check (I’ve been ok at 1300-1400 all week). I lost the freaky extra weight from the weekend and am hanging out around 152-153. I’m not freaking out about 3 weeks since the race and I’m not back to my low weight yet, I’m actually being pretty zen about it. I’m going into this weekend with a “I can do it” attitude instead of a “how can I do it” one. I think I might actually be in the headspace where I can do this sanely.
Since I established I’m ready to give it a try, I was trying to remember what helped me to succeed before. I was re-reading my old Sparkpeople blogs and it hit me! I am best accountable when I am accountable daily. It might look like overkill, but I might as well give it a try, it’s like 10 minute out of my day max. If you’ll notice on this sample week my weight is pretty much going steadily down (oh, how I have missed that), I keep my calories pretty low (I wasn’t working out that intensely then and that might be another key) and am burning off calories every day, and I have 3 focused goals for the week that are specific.
I am going to eliminate the water category (I get 8 glasses of water before leaving work and keep drinking at home so I have no issues there) and the sodium category (I gave that fight up long ago, and I’d have to track more carefully to get an accurate number). Everything else is going to stay. Maybe this will help, maybe it won’t, but it’s worth trying, fo’ sho’. All I know is I was 40 lbs heavier last April, and bragging about running 1.25 miles for the first time. Progress has been made since then, mountains have been moved, my friends. Maybe this is the ticket to getting over the last peak.
April 6-April 12 2008
Goals for this week:
-Stay a calorie burner each day even if its just a little bit (let’s try this again)
-At least 5 fruits or veggies each day (again, lets go for 7/7)
-Get the house clean and organized by Saturday night
Things I did well this week:
-Calorie burner again, yay
-6/7 veggies/fruits (can’t complain too bad)
-House got clean
Things I could do better next week:
-Saturday morning I felt awful, need to have a little bit more in me than a gardenburger and salad when drinking.
-Ate a lot of crap food this weekend. Need to remember that hamburger and tots is NOT going to help me feel better (just worse). What I was craving was salad and soup, not grease.
-Need to figure out why I had my best week ever and I’m up 2-3 lbs. Am I not eating enough or was it just a rough weekend?
Calorie deficit so far = 6582 (best week yet!!!)
BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 847) = (2550)
Calories Consumed = 1483, 19% protein, 38% carbs, 43% fat
Calorie Deficit = (1067)
H20 intake = 9 cups
Sodium = 5935 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 3 servings
Hours of Sleep = 6 hours
General Mood/Notes = Ugh, little too much last night. Oh well! Had a good day after the headache left.
Rating today = A-
Weight= 189.2
BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 882) = (2585)
Calories Consumed = 1662, 26% protein, 61% carbs, 13% fat
Calorie Deficit = (923)
H20 intake = 10 cups
Sodium = 4860 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 6 servings
Hours of Sleep = 8 hours
General Mood/Notes = Friday fun day, yay!
Rating today = A
Weight= 191.0
BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 801) = (2504)
Calories Consumed = 1322, % protein, % carbs, % fat
Calorie Deficit = (1182)
H20 intake = 12 cups
Sodium = 1513 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 5 servings
Hours of Sleep = 7 hours
General Mood/Notes = Feel a little icky from greasy food, but looking forward to a good day
Rating today = B
Weight= 192
BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 0) = (0)
Calories Consumed = 1651, 13% protein, 48% carbs, 39% fat
Calorie Deficit = (52) hehe!
H20 intake = 8 cups
Sodium = 5796 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 5 servings
Hours of Sleep = 7 hours
General Mood/Notes = I am totally pleased with my new low weight, but why do I feel bloated? Heh. Today is either running day or my day off depending on the rain, and tomorrow will be what I didn’t do today.
Rating today = A
Weight= 191.2 (I love it!)
BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 754) = (2457)
Calories Consumed = 1662, 23% protein, 49% carbs, 28% fat
Calorie Deficit = (795)
H20 intake = 9 cups
Sodium = 2597 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 5 servings
Hours of Sleep = 7 hours
General Mood/Notes = Lots more stuff to do today! I decided to eat a bigger lunch because I’ve noticed the last 2 days are under my range. Yay mexican food!
Rating today = A
Weight= 192.4 (average of 192.0 and 192.8 😛 getting lower!)
BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 900) = (2603)
Calories Consumed =1292 , 18% protein, 55% carbs, 27% fat
Calorie Deficit = (1311)
H20 intake = 8 cups
Sodium = 2634 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 7 servings (so much aspargus!)
Hours of Sleep = 7 hours
General Mood/Notes = Pretty good Monday, was busy, had awesome food all day and watch a bunch of Battlestar! 🙂
Rating today = A
Weight= 193.0 (ok, there we go!)
BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 867) = (2570)
Calories Consumed =1266 , 18% protein, 55% carbs, 27% fat
Calorie Deficit = (1304)
H20 intake = 10 cups
Sodium = 4216 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 10 servings
Hours of Sleep = 8 hours
General Mood/Notes = Got lots of good work done today! Plus I found some new clothes to wear cleaning out my closet!
Rating today = A
Weight= 194.4 (bouncy bouncy up…oh well)
I will NOT be posting these here, as I do not want to drive my 5 readers away by boring them to tears. If you’re interested, you can make an account at sparkpeople and friend me (I’m Quixotique).
I’m definitely a nerd when it comes to projecty stuff, and in a way, weight loss fits that description. I read this whole post and totally wasn’t bored! Maybe I’ll start a fresh account over at SparkPeople . . .
It’s no surprise to me that food journalling, or weight loss journalling, helps you lose weight. I find it very effective as well. Good luck with the new project! I know you’ll get to your goal:)
Keeping track of your eats is very important! but yea, for some reason it just doesn’t scream great reading material! lol! I am lovin’ your reflection “things i will do better” lists etc. I make those too and ya know what? they work! we need to hold ourselves accountable to improving! Otherwise our setbacks will set us back in perpetuity!
Have a wonderful weekend, Quix! I am lovin’ your blog!