Adjusted Reality

“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.” – Mark Twain

Tag: calorie counting Page 4 of 7

Where Everything Falls Apart

So my big thing is no guilt.  No regrets.  But it’s hard not to regret and rib yourself a bit if you treated yourself so poorly over the weekend that you are feeling physically ill about it.  And by “you”, I mean me.  Consider yourselves my proverbial priests, while I give you a full confessional.  I’ll give you a play by play of the carnage.

My first mistake was going out Friday night.  I knew I had a party lined up the next night, yet I couldn’t wait.  I didn’t go too crazy and I ate well (I was a good girl and ordered chipotle tacos with meat, lettuce, salsa, and that’s it, and that was the worst thing food-wise I had all day), but there was definitely whiskey involved.  And I was up until almost 5am.  And I skipped the DDR part of my workout.  Mostly because I was sore and wanted to die, but partly because I didn’t have time – friends were already over and food was sitting on the counter after Jillian kicked my butt.

My second mistake was sleeping in Saturday, lazing around, and then having to run all over town getting things for my costume.  I missed my sixth day of Shred.  Six days is more than I usually do, but considering 2 of those days were only 20 min shred workouts, I still owed myself a workout.  And I didn’t do it.

My third mistake was following my advice for parties – I had a very small and what I thought was filling snack before I headed out, but I guess a gardenburger wasn’t enough.  I was so seriously hungry I downed an OBSCENE amount of junk food there because I was STARVING.  On top of that, I could only obtain a one liter of diet soda and had to move on after that to sugared punch and soda.  Ugh.

My fourth mistake was lunch on Sunday.  It wasn’t that it was so unhealthy – it was just so BAD.  We went to try out what we thought was a new soup and salad bar, but it ended up being more of a straight buffet, and probably the worst one in town we’ve had thus far.  Everything was fatty and greasy and bleh (except that salad, that was alright- but the topping bar was pretty small).

My fifth mistake?  Not making up my skipped workout on Sunday.  I had convinced myself somehow that I should rest today so I didn’t tire myself out, but I think it was more about the hangover.  I usually punish myself by working through hangovers but not so much yesterday.

My sixth and final nail in the coffin was dinner.  Calorie-wise, I was a freaking saint.  We got chinese takeout and I had wonton soup, veggie delight, and one bite of orange chicken.  And about half a cup of rice.  The problem is – I ended up with a gigantic portion of the wonton soup + broth and it was especially salty, so I am Bloaty McBalloonperson today.

I will say some good things about this weekend though:

1.  I didn’t partake of the late night fast food runs either night.  I had a few fries off Zliten’s plate Friday but that’s it.

2.  I did dance my ass of for a while at the party Saturday.  Plus I was shopping for 3 hours – shopping is cardio, right?

3.  I made good food choices with what I had to work with Sunday.  I went for non fried stuff (minus one small taste of fried fish which was honestly the best thing on the buffet :P) and loaded up on veggies and non-sauce covered protein.  Chinese, I ate probably just about the lowest calorie foods on the menu and was actually pretty satisfied with what I got instead of feeling diet-punished.

However, the truth is today the scale is saying unthinkable things that I am going to throw out as a mulligan.  I’ll give myself a day or 2 being healthy to detox and I should be back in business.  The problem: I have just about the same weekend to face next weekend.  I have high hopes going into each weekend and then it all falls apart.  It’s one hundred percent my fault.  While I’d love to get persnickety about people around me not being the best influences and yadda yadda yadda, I am the one making the choices.  I am the one who controls my destiny.

I am the one who had to have her heart jump out of her chest practically today because of what she saw on the scale.  Yeah, it was that ridiculous.  Who gains seven lbs in 2 days?  That would be me, people.  I am really going to have to get it together if I want to accomplish project: the last effing 20 lbs.

But really, all I can do is analyze, figure out how to be better next time, and move on.  So that I will.  This week, I will stop letting those close to me be enablers.  If I choose to go out drinking and find myself hungry because of it, fuck it.  Being hungry is not the worst thing in the world.  If I have the strength to run a half marathon, and the capability to come up with a training plan – I can figure this out.  I’m not a dumb bunny, but I sure played one this weekend.

So, I guess here is last week by the numbers:

Monday: under 1400 1500 calories, Shred Lvl 1, 30 mins DDR 5k run (had an itch to run, so I ran instead)

Tuesday: under 1400 1500 calories, Shred Lvl 1, 5k run 30 mins DDR (switched from Monday, and at lower intensity than normal because – um, sore!)

Wednesday: under 1400 1500 calories, Shred Level 1, 30 mins DDR yoga (was about to die from soreness so I yoga’d out)

Thursday: under 1400 1500 calories, Shred Level 1, 5 mile run 5k run (just didn’t have a 5 miler in me)

Friday: under 1500 1700 calories, Shred Level 1

Saturday: healthy eating until the Halloween party, Shred Level 1

Sunday: under 1500 calories (who knows), rest

So this week is:

Monday: under 1400 calories, Shred Lvl 1, 30 mins DDR

Tuesday: under 1400 calories, Shred Lvl 2, 5 mile run

Wednesday: under 1400 calories, Shred Level 2, yoga

Thursday: under 1400 calories, Shred Level 2, 5k run

Friday: under 1500 calories, Shred Level 2, 30 mins DDR

Saturday: under 2000 calories, Shred Level 2, yoga

Sunday: under 1500 calories, rest

So yes, pretty much a do-over of last week, and moving up to level 2 of the Shred.  Since this post is already looking to be like a novel, I’ll talk more about the shred and other random stuff tomorrow.

How was your weekend?  Anyone else want to pull up a chair to the confessional?  If you had a saintly weekend, wanna give me some tips? 🙂

What’s Next?

So I love me some West Wing. Besides the amazing writing, the thing I love best about the show is that they get through some freaking huge crisis and save the world and then look at each other and say “what’s next”.  Because that’s so me.  Getting married to the love of my life and looking pretty much smokin’ hot doing it checked off the list.  What’s next?  I made myself take the rest of the week off last week because a) I deserved it, b) I was exhausted, and c) I felt a little bit of a cold possibly coming on so I wanted to stave it off.  I did a DDR workout one day simply because I thought it would rev up my immune system but that was it.

So Monday, I started anew at 159.0.  I knew I was up a bit (and thank goodness I did my 10 day calorie reduction before Vegas, I do believe my wedding dress would have been a wee bit uncomfortable if I had not lost and then gained that much on top of it), and I told myself I would not be upset with myself if it was under 160.  I wish it had been MORE under 160 but at this point, it’s all down from here.  By today, I’m at 156.2.  Not optimal, and still over my “oh shit” weight of 155.0, but the goal is to NEVER SEE THIS WEIGHT AGAIN.

However, I do not regret any indulgences I made.  I do not regret eating a full piece of yummy cake at my wedding.  I do not regret an indulgent steak and seafood dinner, bearnaise sauce and all.  I don’t regret the delicious fried seafood platter I nommed Saturday night celebrating a friends birthday.  I don’t regret ice cream, a slice of chocolate cake, and half a whoopie pie in one day.  I don’t regret MOST of the alcohol (though I wish I could have stopped JUST SHORT of being so ill on Thursday nite/Friday morning).  I just need to go back to making that the very occasional exception now instead of normal life.

So what’s next?   Well, this is the plan for the near future…

-Continue 1200ish calorie weekdays/1500-2000 weekends.  This week easing back into it with <1500 calorie weekdays and 1500-2000 calorie weekends.  Obviously, going along with that, go back to counting calories.  Eat a little more every few weeks if I’m feeling weak and play that by ear.  Start gradually increasing calories each week once I start training for the half once I begin to rack up the miles.  Try to make sure I’m eating at least 5 fruits and veggies, enough protein, enough good fat, and try to keep the sweet treats to a minimum per day, and certainly no sweets on days I plan to have a drink.

-I want to lose weight.  Consistently.  Each week, I want the low weight AND the high weight to be lower than the last weeks low and high weights, even if it is 0.2 lbs.  I loathe to set any goals because it’s been a long time since I’ve regularly lost.  I was starting to make good progress before the wedding so I’m pretty hopefully I can pick up where I left off and continue what I was doing.  I expect the first few weeks it will go quickly since it is going to be new and shiny for my body, but after that, each week I just want to weigh LESS.

– I’ve been essentially doing the same strength training for a year plus.  Sure, I have increased weights and changed up some exercises and all that, but it’s been 4x arm exercises, 4xcore exercises, and 4xleg exercises as fast as humanly possible.  For a while I was getting a kick out of going up really quick in weight and rocking the 25 lb dumbbells, but I have stagnated.  I don’t think I’ve gotten much stronger since I started concentrating on running more at the beginning of the year.  I keep meaning to do a real strength heavy month, and then I sign up for more races.

So I’m going to try something a million other bloggers got done doing and have shown fabulous results with – the 30 day shred.  I am going to do it every OTHER day since I don’t believe in doing the same thing 2 days in a row.  So that’s at least 3 days a week, 4 if I want extra credit on alternating weeks.  I want to see how I feel during/after it, but I’m considering doubling up sessions those days and see if I can just call it a full workout instead of adding more cardio too.  I am going to put it in the Netflix queue and give it a shot (before I spend the money on it).  If it sucks, I will be looking for more strength training recommendations.

-I want to try some run commuting, weather permitting – we have been grey and rainy on and off for the last month… I hate it.  I want the sun back.   I didn’t move to freaking Seattle.  Today is better but it should come back tomorrow.  Bleh.  Anyhoo… I live about 3 miles away from work.  We have showers here.  I have no excuse not to at least try it.  I figure what I’ll do is bring my bag o’ shower stuff/change of clothes the day before so I don’t have to bring anything but my key card/ID.  If it sucks, well, I tried.  If it’s cool – it’s an excuse to do a 6 mile run and get rid of a 5-10 minute commute each way (since I’d be working out anyway).

So here is the plan this week:

Monday: Eat under 1500 calories (easing myself into it), morning 30 mins DDR and evening yoga (missed it, will make it up later this week)

Tuesday: Eat under 1500 calories, evening 5k run and weights

Wednesday: Eat under 1500 calories,  morning 30 mins DDR and evening yoga

Thursday: Eat under 1500 calories, morning weights

Friday: Eat under 1500 calories, morning 5k run

Saturday: Eat under 2000 calories, sometime 30 mins DDR (or something equivalently active).

Sunday: Eat under 1500 calories, rest.

I am trying to ease back into it a bit – hence only 2 weight sessions and ONLY 30 mins cardio per day and only reducing calories to 1500.  Next week if I’m feeling froggy I might step it up and include run commuting one day, get into the shred, or find other ways to fight the fluff that has deposited itself into mah belly. So far, besides missing one session of yoga, I’m right on top of it.

What’s your plan this month?  Anyone have an opinion of shredding every day for 30 days?  Think I’m overdoing it?  Think I could do more?  I want to hear from YOU!

Day 9, 2 Days to Vegas

Holy crapoli, it’s going fast.  Didn’t I just write this for yesterday?

Project: Unfluffy Bride

Well, my calories got away from me yesterday.  I forgot that what we had on tap for dinner was a 700 calorie beast (tuna macaroni and cheese with lots of peas and broccoli) and while I had a pretty light lunch, I snacked before and since we didn’t eat until after 8:30, I was full on hungry again and ate my full half of dinner as I forgot to make the salad that went with it.  I clocked in at just over 1400 calories so I didn’t do myself TOO wrong, but I would have liked to be closer to 1200.  Ah well.  Today is for being better.

Then again, I worked out for about 2 hours yesterday in 3 inch heels.  More on that below, but I definitely earned my dinner.  I also got up this morning and had a euphoria-inducing 3.3 mile run, so I think I’ll survive (I definitely relished the run).  I’m pretty happy that it’s TOM time up in the house (yeah, I know, just in time so it wouldn’t muck with my wedding day, thank you body of mine!) and I’m not even at the “oh crap” weight of 155 (I’m at 154.8, but still – 2 weeks ago I was pushing 158).  I might not have seen under 150 before getting married because timing sucked, but I really think once I get back from Vegas I’ll be well on my way there.

Wedding Stuff:

Our private lesson hour was yesterday, and I showed up in my new sparkly shoes of hotness, and have to report that I was pretty much on them NONSTOP for 3 hours (2 of that dancing, 1 walking around doing dinner, etc) and just toward the end they started to be uncomfortable.  And that was the first time breaking them in.  Totally worth 60 bucks.  I also made sure to dance in a floor length skirt, and didn’t seem to have trouble with that either, so super double bonus.

We told the instructor what song we wanted to do (Fly Me to the Moon) and asked what our options were.  We tried out the basic steps to foxtrot and east coast swing and settled on swing.  After learning west coast, east coast is much easier, at least for us.  It just made more sense.  We learned the basic steps, outside turns, inside turns, cuddles, how to walk on the floor and have him pull me in with a little twirl to start the dance, and a little dip for the end.  In an hour.  We have a lot of practicing to do, but we left feeling pretty confident that we’d be able to get it down.  Triple step, triple step, rock step.  1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6.  And, the 90 minutes of actual dancing I figured we did burnt almost 600 calories.

We also spent the evening combing through the reception dance playlist and eliminating stuff that just didn’t work.  It’s amazing how many songs have just a few curse words in them that you wouldn’t expect.  And since we have kids there, we’re trying to keep it all family friendly, so that has to go.  We’re trying to do a good mix of stuff for everyone and also be stuff WE want to hear.  I love having the control of being able to play what we want, but it would sure be a lot less work having a DJ do it.  Tonight, we go through the dinner play list the same way.

I didn’t actually pre-pack with the dance stuff going on, so that is tonight.  I think that’s the last thing I’m really nervous about – how to get all the crap we need into our little bags.  I’ve even pared down to 3 pairs of non-wedding shoes (I usually bring AT LEAST 5 pairs no matter where we are going or how long the trip is) and am planning to pack ONLY the clothes I need instead of a few “maybe” outfits to fit the rest of the stuff needed, but still.  I’ve got about a full bag of wedding favor stuff, and then there is all the stuff I need to get me ready.   We’ll make it work somehow.  Just don’t know exactly HOW until tonight.

I really think it’s all coming together.  Nothing crazy has come up this week yet.  Just need to keep working on the music and packing and I think we’ll be able to get on that jetplane a-ok and all prepared.

Got something you think I’m forgetting?  Want to tell me to stop stressing about not having anything really left to stress about?  Hit me up.

Monday, Day 8, 3 Days to Vegas

OMG, it’s all happening.  I’m just so ready to be on the plane and have everything, for the most part, out of my hands and done.  Only 3 more days of work left.

Project: Unfluffy Bride

Well, you can’t eat (or at least I can’t eat) 1200-1300 calories all the time.  That’s ok.  I don’t think that’s really good for one’s well being anyway.  Thursday, the stress of the week got to me and I had some cocktails on the patio.  Friday night, I had this INSATIABLE craving for pizza, and between dinner and breakfast/lunch on Saturday, Zliten and I polished off a medium (which is, IMO, extremely responsible pizza eating).  There may have been some baked chicken wings too, but I’m not telling.

Then Saturday night was our friend’s son’s birthday dinner – and their mom (an awesome gourmet chef) was cooking.  She’s only in town a few times a year, and you just don’t refuse it.  It is buttery, salty love.  We headed over and there was homemade appetizer “pizza”  (dough brushed with olive oil and garlic, cheese, and the most amazing tomatoes and peppers).  Then dinner was roasted pork shoulder, some sort of barley side dish, asparagus, and blt salad (just like it sounds – lettuce with hunks of tomato, bacon, and some sort of homemade thousand-ish dressing).  Then for desert, no churn super chocolate homemade icecream with homemade whipped cream on top.  And to top it off, some more whiskey.

Then, the next day, Zliten was getting angry about his taco craving so we went to mexican and split a plate of fajitas.  By the end of the day, I put my foot down and made a big batch of chicken tortilla soup so I could have a nice, lo cal dinner.  As horrible as it all sounds, I did watch my portions pretty well and didn’t go nuts on anything.  I didn’t mention the fruits and veggies I squeezed in.  Of course I could have done better but I could have done way worse so no guilt here!

I also did not exercise at all.  So for those of you counting last week, it was DDR and weights on Tuesday and Thursday, and recreational dance on Wednesday.  I guess you can count a ridiculous amount of running around stores doing errands Saturday, but I don’t.  Oddly enough, it felt good and natural and neither my mind nor body was screaming for me to get my ass up off the couch and do things.  My weight was also the lowest it’s been in months on average.  Therefore, it was totally deserved and good for me.

Here’s the stats-

Calories in for the week:

1271, 1275, 1278, 1451, 1392, 2208, 1494.  Average = 1481 per day

Calories out for the week:

700, 300, 700  = 1700 Average = 242 per day

Average net calories for the week: 1239.

Weight: low = 152.4, high = 155.2

Hey, hey.  I felt like I did NOTHING for the week.  I knew it was good for me, but I felt like a lump on a log taking 3 WHOLE DAYS OFF IN A ROW.  Getting used to eating so low on weekdays was a little stressful, but the fact that I was able to let loose over the weekend and still pull those numbers – I like it.

I HAVE to do a little more with my workouts this week.  Just a little.  Tonight is a private dance lesson, I am doing weights again on Tuesday and Thursday, and I am going to try to do 30 mins cardio on Tues/Wed/Thurs since I plan to just not even worry about it once I get on the plane.  I’m packing workout clothes and I have shoes that I could hop on the elliptical with, but I really don’t think it’s going to happen.  I had great fantasies of starting my wedding day with a nice early-morning run, but now that my hair has to be at least a day old, I think I’m going to refrain from sweating that day, thxuverymuch…

When I return, I think I’m going to keep on this (1200 during the weekdays when I can stand it, a little more on the weekends, lighter on the exercise) until I start half training again.

Wedding Stuff:

I think I can ease up on the bullet points.  I’m now down to just a few items left on my to-do list.  Here’s the updates:

Hair and makeup are settled.  I was able to find a perfect lipstick (for 7 bucks), and after much ado… I decided I’m going to wear my hair completely down, with a big orange flower poking out the side.  The method to my madness is that I’m going to wash it the day before, apply mousse for volume, dry it straight, and then use the flat iron and some de frizzy stuff to tame it.  Then the morning of, I’m going to flat iron and de friz again, and then use  big curling iron and make some waves, and spray it so it holds.

The reason I went with it that way – I kept trying these elaborate styles that looked great from some angles and not from others, or they were REALLY prone to looking good for a little while and then they’d be in danger of falling out.  I didn’t want to spend the day worrying about what my hair was doing.  I did a half up do which I was somewhat happy with and showed Zliten and he liked it well enough, and then I took it all down, stuck a flower in it, and left to go party.  After hitting the bathroom, I realized I really liked what was there.  I asked Zliten what he thought and he said he liked my hair best right then out of anything I showed him.  And really, who do I want to look pretty for on my wedding day?  My groom, of course.  And I can’t say that I’m unhappy that it’s low maintenance – my makeup routine takes about 10-15 minutes, and now my hair the day of should take about 20 max.  I’m still going to leave myself 2 hours, but it’s nice to know that it should take me less than an hour to go from 0 to bride.

The reception timeline and music are pretty much settled.  I’m going to spend the rest of the week paring down the playlists as I have about 5 hours of dinner music and 5 hours of dancing music.  Considering we’ve got a 4 hour reception in total, that’s too much.  Might as well pick the stuff I really like so it has a better chance of being played.  The master of ceremonies has been notified with the timeline and what to do.  I think we’re pretty set here!

Centerpieces have been drama but it’s all better now.  We went and looked at craft stores, and I found the PERFECT 7 dollar candle holder.  Then, I talked to Zliten’s mom and she offered to pick them up and bring them since they are driving.  THEN, she couldn’t find them at their local store and went around looking for other things but to no avail.  I was bummed.  Then, I went online yesterday and found out I could order them from the website for FIVE bucks each and rush shipping was only 10 bucks more.  So for 70 bucks, the centerpieces are dealt with (I even ordered 2 extra in case something broke).

Lets see, what else… The guest book and the parents gifts are taken care of.  I got some REALLY SEXY dancing shoes that cost 60 bucks, but I will SO wear again.  They are silver and sparkly and strappy and hawt and COMFY (ok, so they’re not tennis shoes but I walk and dance my way around the house for 10 minutes and not want to rip them off).  I was going to post pictures but you will just have to wait!  I did my nails and am very happy with the color (sort of an orange-y coral color – not orange enough to scream halloween, but not pink enough to make me vomit).  I did the great eyebrow pluck and since I forced myself to be patient and go slow, I’m VERY happy with the results, just gonna do one more retouch one morning when I see if there are any stray hairs I missed.  Our private dance lesson is today and after that I think we’ll be prepped to dance!

The only thing left really is to pack.  I’ve started a list but didn’t actually get to taking stuff and putting it in bags.  That’s tonight, I believe.  So much stuff, so little bag space. 🙂

It is all happening.  Crazy!  I’m much more excited than stressed/nervous now, so I’m liking that.  See you lovelies tomorrow.

Day 5, 6 Days to Vegas

Wow, less than a week.  Freeeeaky!  The updates continue!

Maybe I dont wanna be THIS unfluffy...

Maybe I don't wanna be THIS unfluffy...

Project: Unfluffy Bride

Well, yesterday the week finally got to me and I broke down and cracked open the bottle of grey goose on the counter as an appetizer, and didn’t end up getting to bed ’til well after 1am.  Normally I’m not this irresponsible on a weeknight, and I had originally had a curfew of 11pm, but I just kept *notwanting*.  So I didn’t.

The good news:  I totally worked it in my calories for the day.  I may not have been in the 1200’s, but I wasn’t over 1500.  Besides being a little low on my fat for the day, I got at least the minimum of all the main nutritional stuffs I should.  I also did both a weights session in the morning and a nice, easy DDR session at night.

The bad news: I drank about 400 calories of vodka and ate a very meager dinner (a veggie burger and a fat free hot dog and half a serving of baked cheetos) so I am STAAAARVING right now.  Since I did it to myself though, my body can deal.  Pho is on the menu in about 10 minutes though, which is both low cal and filling, so I’ll be ok, don’t cry for me, Argentina.  It’s just been a rough, growly tummy morning.

The numbers: 152.4 (yay!), 1454 calories.

I have no idea whether I’m going to work some cardio in tonight, but that’s the goal.  I don’t think the rest is doing me badly at all.  Next week I might step it up *justalittle* because I will have some mandatory days off, but not much.

Hmmm, relaxing for who?

Hmmm, relaxing for who?

Wedding Stuff:

Since I’ve drilled down to a finite list, I’m going to stick with the bullet points.

  • Hairdo.  No progress last night, but I washed, moussed, blow dried mostly straight, and defrizzied it this morning.  I was laaaaazy last night but day 6 of unwashed tresses just wasn’t happening.  It did straight not horribly, but it still is kinda frizzy.  I’m going to give it a day to settle down and tomorrow it’s more heat abuse with straight iron and curling iron time.  I also have to remember that my hair does straight MUCH better in bone dry Nevada than muggy central Texas when I make my decision.
  • Makeup.  Just didn’t make it to the store.  Gonna do that this weekend.  I hope the color works!
  • Music.  We’ve been working through what we want and don’t seem to be butting heads too much so that’s nice!  Ideas for the processional/recessional in the ceremony: Jason Mraz – I’m Yours, Israel Kamakawiwo’ole – Somewhere Over the Rainbow, or maybe some instrumental steel drums/ukulele stuff.  Through dinner we’re going to play stuff like said music above, plus Beach Boys, Elvis, Buena Vista Social Club, Jimmy Buffet, Doh Ho, Gotan Project, and the like.  We still need to pick out all the “special” songs like our entrance and the bouquet toss and the like.
  • We’ve made a reception time line that I’m pretty happy with.  There was some drama and uncertainty around the “announcement” part (where we make our entrance), but we decided that just we will be announced, and then introduce/thank the whole wedding party during toasting time.  The timeline also gets most of the important stuff done by 4 so if some people need to hit the airport to get home that evening (since the reception was only supposed to be 2 hours), they will only be missing the garter/bouquet toss.
  • Centerpieces.  The estimate came back at 50 per centerpiece, so 400 overall.  Now it’s time to weigh how much I could save by doing them myself vs how much less stress it will be to have them done.  Plus, do I think bouquets that match my bridal one will be better than something less traditional and non-flowery.  I’m going to price things at the craft store this weekend and see if it’s even worth trying to do my own and decide by Monday.
  • Guest book.  Still need to hit that this weekend.
  • Parents gifts.  Got the frames (though one is scuffed so I’m going to exchange it), now just need to get an appropriate picture (now that my hair is no longer standing on end on it’s own).
  • Dancing shoes.  On the list for this weekend.
  • Victoria’s secret – I’ve been told that it’s really not necessary, so I think I’m going to skip it.
  • Going to also skip the robe in favor of a button down shirt – it’s less to pack.
  • Dance-y time.  There is another open practice on Saturday Sunday for free, and we have a private lesson on Monday.
  • Beauty time for Quix.  Time to do the final eyebrow pluck and do a test run with the nailpolish I bought to make sure I don’t hate it.
  • Pre-pack everything this weekend we want to take to make sure it all fits in our bags and we don’t need to either borrow bigger bags from the ‘rents or share the wealth and ask some of our friends to tote a wedding favor or 2 up there for us.

So, here’s the to do list:


  • Work on reception song list.

This weekend:

  • Go to Target (makeup), craft stores (for centerpiece pricing, guest book, and to exchange the frame), and go shoe shopping (dance shoes for me and Zliten).
  • More makeup and hair trial runs.  Realize that a simple, classic ‘do is probably going to be less stress and look better in the photos than something super complicated.
  • Take and frame the parents pictures and write out the notes that go along with them.
  • Pluck the eyebrows and do the nails.
  • Get as much dance practice in as possible.
  • Pre-pack at least once to get an idea of how many bags we need and if there is anything else we need to add to the target list.
  • Finalize reception song list.

Done by Monday:

  • Decision on the centerpieces
  • Know if we need to offload any items to friends/family

Next week: try not to freak out and deal with all the things that come up that are NOT on the list.  I really really have to thank my parents for dealing with all the family questions/issues/whatevs on their side, as I don’t think I could handle it right now.

Yeah, can tell I’ve been documenting at work lately.  I get super bullet pointy.   I do also hope to get a bike adventure in sometime too, as it is too gorgeous of a weekend to waste EVERY hour plotting and scheming wedding stuff.  What do you think on the centerpieces?  Should I spring for them to be just *takencareof* or go with the “Screw that, I can do it on my own – cheaper and BETTER!” attitude I’ve had with most of the wedding.    Any favorite/clever songs you can think of for the fun stuff like our entrance, cutting the cake, garter toss, or just your favorite beachy or wedding music in general?  Take care, blogoverse and have a great weekend!

Fail pictures today, because it’s funny.  And the day is FAILING to already be over.  Yep, that’s it…

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