Adjusted Reality

“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.” – Mark Twain

Tag: marathon Page 4 of 10

2015 Goal Wrap Up

2015 is done and dusted, and it’s time to tally the results.  It was a really mixed bag, but as they say, you either win some or learn some, and there was a lot of both things in the last 12 months.



Do some soul searching and figure out what is important to YOU for 2015 race-wise, since you may be on a different schedule than Zliten for at least half if not more of the year.  Race the marathon Feb 28th only if training is going well.  Make appropriate goals as such.  No arbitrary January 1st goals on what you’re supposed to PR or tackle next year, just the promise that each race will be for a reason.

Well, sort of.  I raced a lot less this year than I have in the past, with doing only five triathlons and four running races, and that was by design.  I’ve learned that I don’t love jumping into a bunch of races if my intention isn’t to either a) PR or b) use that race for a specific purpose.  So, I actually focused more on the training than amassing a bunch of t-shirts and medals.

Luckily, after winding down after the Woodlands Marathon (and vacation, and recovering, and getting sick before I could actually train again), Zliten bounced back rather quickly and we found ourselves mostly on the same schedule, so I had my training partner back much more quickly than I expected.  While I’m a bit more of a higher mileage pony overall and ducked out for some extra sessions/add on miles/split off to do our own thing the last part of runs or bikes during periods of 2015, we mostly attacked the same training.

I had some really awesome races.  The Woodlands Marathon may have been slower than I’d hoped, but I ran the whole thing and felt really strong that day.  I PR’d race after race after race after race after race in the spring and summer.  Rookie and Cap Tex netted me some insane PRs and I showed I was a better athlete this year by improving at Pfluger and Jacks by about 1.5 minutes each time.

I crashed and burned at the end of the year.  One time, it was due to circumstances outside of my immediate control.  One time, I just lost steam and my brain and body gave up on me.  I’m still trying to put together exactly what happened and restore my shaken confidence, after 4 months of training resulted in 2 SPECTACULAR blow ups, but I definitely learned a few things from both the good and the bad:

  1. I’m able to put enough training to be decent (and maybe soon starting to be AG competitive) at the shorter races.  My head holds together pretty well and executes well up to the 2-3 hour mark.  I’m able to dial in a goal and most times hit the targets (or at least come close).
  2. There’s something about the longer stuff I just can’t seem to fully grasp.  I had decent luck at running a full marathon without stopping, but I had spectacular crash and burns at 70.3 and another 26.2.
  3. Still, I find enjoyment in training and dreaming and racing the longer stuff.  Or I’d just stop doing it.
  4. Racing a hot marathon on 6 weeks of training banking on post 70.3 fitness is always doable, but never going to be your best shot at a great experience.
  5. Even if I’m having a fantabulously shitty day and want to give up and DNF, that’s not what I do.  And that’s something to be proud of, if nothing else.



Polarized and periodized training seems to work.  Continue with this.  Easy days easy.  Hard days on point.  Base periods without electronics or focus and embracing the joy of movement with really loose volume suggestions instead of nailing a certain mileage/pace.  Months out of your A race – 85% easy 15% hard.  Closer – more goal pace work.

I think I did the best at this than I ever have, though I have room for improvement.  I did push the intensity a bit too much leading up to Lake Pflugerville (almost all quality sessions), which I would dial back because I was missing a little give a shit on race day from too many hard workouts in a row.  But, I did much less throwing a lot of easy volume at things and trained much more specifically.

1k run miles, 3k bike miles (less on the trainer), 100 swim miles.

Run check (1,022).  Bike, so not check (1893).  Swim, also not check (45 miles).  I definitely had a different focus than I did years before – but when you have 5 months out of the year focused on marathons, 1 month of offseason, and only 1 long triathlon to train for – the volume goes by the wayside.

However, I can tell you that it was the most INTENSE year for swimming and cycling.  I did a lot more focused workouts with sets and paces and watts and goals, and I got faster at both.  Funny how that works.

Work strength and stretching in as I can.

I’ll have to go back and count this up later because dailymile is being cranky but the gist of it was I sucked at it the first half of the year and was pretty excellent at it the second half, minus December.

DDR is a great plyometric workout. 

And my mat broke and the workout room is full of junk.  Moving on.

Run streak January. 

Nailed it!  Doing it again this year, I’m already on day 6 and loving it!

Figure out a time for offseason.  True offseason, same as July for you this year.  At least 1 month.

Nailed it as well.  Had a great 5 weeks focused on water park and lake time above all else.



No booze January

In which I held out for 11 days, reset my tolerance for a bit, but with a new promotion and job stress and trying to also clean up my eating and not spend any money, I spent the most miserable and boring 2 weekends of my life and decided that moderation is the key instead of abstinance.

A bunch of other stuff…

I tried to continue to do the lower-grain thing and found it wasn’t the weight loss panacea I had hoped.  In fact, I gained some lbs and was kind of cranky about it.  I worked with a nutritionist in July and found out

a) I know how to lose weight, I just forgot how.  Counting calories, hitting macros, actually sticking to it.

b) It’s counterproductive to try to lose weight during season.  Workouts are hard, racing suffers, and I get hangry.

c) I’m still looking for the way to fuel my workouts and sustain me during season without gaining a shit ton of weight, because his plan piled on 12 lbs in one month that I still can’t seem to shake.

I did feel a lot freer being able to eat things in bread and out of flour tortillas and rice and pasta, and I was able to lose weight during offseason (5 lbs in a month) doing that.  So, eating a damn sandwich is not off limits.  That was nice after a year of bread being the devil.



The promotion that was up in the air happened.  Sadly, reorganization also happened which made doing my new job a whole lot more stressful.

The good:

  • While I felt like a damn duck, looking calm and composed on the surface, but paddling like hell underneath a lot of the time, my team and I rocked this year.
  • I feel like this position is probably one of the best fits I’ve ever had in terms of taking my experience and letting me fly.  I kind of feel like this is something that my entire professional career has been leading up to, if that makes any sense.
  • I played a lot of my games.  I’m not as caught up with everything as I’d like, but I’m getting closer.

The bad:

  • Holy hell, let’s talk about that paddling like mad thing.  I feel like I blacked out some really stressful periods of 2010, which was my first year of being producer.  I’m pretty sure I’ll look back on this year the same way.  I think I held it together pretty well on the surface, but I don’t think I’ve needed a 20 day vacation more than I ever did this December.
  • I got bad at leaving the stress at work.  I’ll be honest, I’m not a stress eater, but work definitely drove me to drink at some points.



I didn’t give away 1 thing every day like I wanted, but I did have a giant garage sale and donate a bunch of bags after it to charity.

Don’t go into a training hole…

I think I balanced the social calendar pretty well.  I had to pull back a bit in March for marathon recovery/getting sick, and again in August-September due to family visits/work stress/mental recovery, but I don’t feel like I missed out on too much.

Less facebook/twitter, more short posts here, less weekly recaps.

Well, um, let’s move on, shall we?

Complete the TX tri series with a combination of volunteering and racing.


Do something that’s a hobby, not dying in front of the tv, once a week for more than a few minutes. 

I actually got really into reading this year.  Some periods of time, I did well with gaming.  My sewing machine, necklaces, and piano are untouched. 🙁

Actually go scuba diving in lake travis this summer (or somewhere) so I don’t noob it up in the winter.

Yep.  It was totally awful.  I hope to not have to do that again for a while.

Spend as much time in the water I can.

Ahhhhhhh…. yep!

End the year with 3 words to describe 2015 that are as positive as “grateful, fun, and focused”.

This took me a little while, and while I considered “stressful” as one of them, I tried to look beyond that.


Minus the last two unfortunate races of 2015, I really feel like I came into my own this year in a few regards.  I have ZERO imposter syndrome anymore at work, I rock at what I do and I know it.  I REALLY nailed some races this year.  I’m a lot more confident on the bike though I know I have a long way to go.  Of course I still have those worries if I’m doing the right thing at times, but I have confidence in the things I chose being the best decision I could make at the time.


Again, in so many regards, I spent the year saying, “rock and roll, let’s do this” and then having to follow through (and doing it).  The major stuff – I didn’t quit.  Even when it was hard.  Even when I wanted to.  Sometimes this caused a bunch of stress, but, I feel much better about following through with the hard stuff and learning the lessons.  True, it tested my strength and pushed me to the limits of my capacity and sanity at times, but here we are, and I’m ready for more.


This is kind of a two parter.  I found so much joy, so much healing, so much… love in the water this year.  Paddling, swimming, racing, kayaking, snorkeling, scuba diving, waterpark-ing, and sometimes just existing and kicking back.  I am not me when you remove my water… I am a pisces through and through.

Also, I found fluidity in life to be my savior this year.  The January streak and the whole Woodlands training block made me realize that “run – a lot – whenever and whatever” is actually a decent way to train for a marathon.  Work threw me curveballs and waking up in the morning sometimes was hard, but I learned how to run with a headlamp or at lunch or just sucking it up and training in the heat like a dang animal.  When work projects started to go sideways, we always got things back on track by having a little fluidity in the plan and being able to attack a problem from many angles.


So there you have it.  2015 had it’s ups and downs, but at the end of it all – confident, committed, and fluid are not terrible ways to sum up 365 days of life.







Space Coast Marathon: Time on Feet Record

Two swings, two misses.  For having such a great early season, I’m not liking this direction.  There were some redeeming qualities of the marathon, but to be honest, I think the most important thing is the realization that my physical and mental shape right now is at rock bottom.  And once you hit that point, you no longer ignore it and you drag the microscope out and examine things.

But, that’s another post coming soon.  Today, let’s focus on the spectacular personal worst marathon (or if you’d like to put a positive spin on it – personal time on feet record) out of nowhere I ran last Sunday going play by play.


Race Issue #1 – Tired, didn’t get good sleep.

Life has handed me a lot of stress this year, but especially over the last 4 months.  And even more especially over the last few weeks.  Between late night whiskey stress relief sessions and being kept up late thinking about work and stuff, I was really banking on getting some awesome sleep once I was away from it all.

Then, our hotel ended up being right next to a bar that had live music until 10pm Friday and Saturday… and we may as well have had front row seats.  And the beds weren’t that great.  I managed to get probably 8 hours at least between tossing and turning on Friday night (about 12 hours in bed), but I was lucky if I got 3-4 the night of the race with a 3am wakeup call.

Race Issue #2 – The weather.

I was perfectly comfortable in my tank and capris by race start.  That’s not a good sign at all for the day to come.

And, weirdly enough, I never felt that hot after the first hour or two, but I could tell my system was being over-taxed when I felt out of breath running 10-11 minute miles (when I was running) on the second half of the course.


Race Issue #3 – Wasn’t super excited for the race.

While I wanted to treat it like a training run, I should have been jazzed to do a supported long run with thousands of my closest friends.  No nervous energy, no “yay its m-day”, I was just like “ok, guess I’m going for a long run now”.

Race Issue #4 – Everything felt off at the get go.

Something felt not-right even at the easy 5 hour pace.  I’ve started races too fast, and I don’t think I did this time at all.  In fact, I started slower than I expected to want to run.  Did not help.  Nothing ever got better.  I tried to convince myself that I’ve run 20 miles feeling shitty before, but that only got me through about mile 12.


Race Issue #5 – Potty stop tanked my pace 15 seconds per mile.

I knew I needed to use the restroom about mile 1, but not urgently.  I waited until mile 8-ish where I thought I could jump right in but there was still a little wait.  I was at 11:11s when I stopped, I was at 11:26s when I started again (which is below the pace I needed to be to break 5 hours).

During the race I had convinced myself I needed to go, but if I waited the urge may have gone away.  I think I may have subconsciously just wanted a break from running.

Race Issue #6 – Tried to catch back up with a 5 hour pacer or Zliten.

I made the call that I was going to pick up the pace to try and get back with someone.  I needed that motivation to keep going.  Those were probably my fastest miles of the day, and I think that if I would have taken it a little slower, it might have been better for me.  I don’t think it caused the crash bang boom, but going a little slower may have delayed the inevitable.

Race Issue #7 – Never caught back up.

I could see the Galloway 5 hour pacer up in the distance, (maybe a third of a mile), and my pacer was in front of that, and Zliten was in front of that.

Unfortunately, by that time, I was so mentally thrashed I broke.  I think there was some unintentionally strong gatorade that made me queasy that didn’t help, but it was more than that.  I just let it slip away and in the next 3 miles, the 5:15 and 5:30 pacers just blew by me.  I didn’t care.  That evoked nothing but a “whatever” response from me.  I was done.

Race TRIUMPH #1 -Not giving up

Knew I had 0 chances at a PR, but I didn’t take the exit at 13.1 (which would have gotten me a finish and a medal and credit for the series).  I knew I had some more lessons to learn that day so while I constantly regretted it on the course, I made the turn away and kept going (for like, over 3 more hours of torture).


Race TRIUMPH #2 -Set a backup plan

After a few miles of pity party, I decided that I wasn’t going to let myself just walk the last half.  Even though I was having a rough day, I was able to keep myself roughly to a schedule of run 2 songs, walk 1 on the second half and promised myself the 5:45 pacer wouldn’t get me.

Sometimes an aid station would come up right after I’d start running or I was like OMG I CAN’T run yet and do 2 and 2, but I found that walking was still pain.  Running was just different pain.  I just ran until I was gaspy and then walked and stretched.

Race Issue #8 – Wicked, wicked, wicked back of my body muscle cramps.

I think I figured this one out around mile 24 – I was feeling so rough and dejected that my form had degraded and I was slumped over for about 12 miles.  I kept better posture the last 2 miles and felt a little less rough.  Before that, though, it was so bad I kept pulling over to try to work it out each walk break and once I just sat on a bench and stretched.  During a race.  Yeah.

Race Issue #9, and the mack daddy of them all – My head and heart just never showed up

You can’t run the back half of a marathon without a brain or your drive.  I know that a lot of things went wrong that day.  However, this is two races in a row where my mojo has just abandoned me, and I have to look to my life and see what I can do to fix that.  I had my shit together earlier this year and now I’ve just fallen apart all over the place twice in a row.

The Aftermath:

On the other side was definitely not a pity party.  The minute I finished I got my medals and shoved pizza in my mouth to get some calories in so I didn’t collapse and die, and then we went and drank beer at the beach and then ate tacos in bed and had a lovely rest of the vacation.

The upshot with THIS race is that I think we’re going to do the half next year.  This is not a good time of year for me to really rock a marathon.  I always have a big work deadline right before this and that’s not going to change.  The weather is never going to be my perfect day, it’s always going to be hot and humid.  It never fits well into my training year, it’s always a big rush to get up to marathon distance.  I think I’ll take the pressure off next year – starting at 6, being done close to 8am… and then getting on with my vacation!

I’m super glad I had considered this a training run, and not an important race, and I’m just slightly more disappointed than if I went out and just BOMBED one of my 20 milers.


I’m super glad  I never caught back up with Zliten (for his sake).  I probably would have whined him to death.  He went on to do a 5+ minute personal best and had a tough but great day.

I’m also super glad I didn’t try to push any harder than I did if I wasn’t going to really go for it.  Going along with the person worst time is probably a personal best for feeling good after the race.  I was a little hobble-y the day of, but really no more so than after a long training run.  We walked a few miles the day after and my legs were still sore but it felt good.  By today, I feel like I could be back out resuming easy runs and maybe a double digit slow run this weekend.

However, my mind falling apart on me is the thing I’m more concerned about, and it is absolutely positively not ready to get back out there yet.  I’m not sure how long this will be.  A week? Two weeks?  But… I know I need to get to the point where I feel like I’m itching to run again.  Not where I just feel like I can or I should.

Now that I’m on the other side of #marathonmetabolism and #eatinglikeatenyearold and transitioning from the race and vacation back to normal life, I’m ready to work on some of the things that I believe are deeper issues that may have influenced my body to revolt and brain to flee on race days.  Stay tuned for that one.



I’m finding myself a little out of sorts this week. I stayed up WAYYYY too late on Saturday, and ended up spending Sunday completely in bed and on the couch, sleeping through most of it.  Yesterday and today, I’ve felt very lethargic and unenthused.


I might have looked cute, but still, feeling kind of meh.

I can explain all of it away with two things: allergies are wicked bad this year (usually it doesn’t start until January but I’ve been on and off the green pills all year), and work is MEGA stressful right now.  However, it doesn’t mean that I’m not a little unsettled by how it’s 5 days until the marathon and I’d really rather just crawl into a ball and sleep for the next month.

All the reasons that I’m glad that I’m doing a training run this weekend and not a race that I’m OMG about.  Until my situation and schedule changes, racing at this time of year in Florida is never going to set me up for an easily successful day.  I’m open to the possibility and going to run smartly and with passion, but the one I really want to count is in March.  So I’m ok with however I end up getting to the finish line.

I’m sure everything will start to fall into place as I leave work for a week tomorrow afternoon and actually get out and run and see that my legs are ready even if the cedar/pollen/mold is literally trying to kill me.  But for now, I’m going to focus on the theme of the week.

While I may have “woe is me” moments when things get crazy around here, I do my best not to lose perspective that my life is pretty dang awesome.


So, here is my list of thankfulness:

Family.  I’m pretty sure I don’t sing the praises of Zliten enough but he is seriously the bestest guy in the whole world.  Sorry ladies and gents.  But it’s true.  Both sets of our parents now live within about an hour of us, and of course your parents can get on your nerves from time to time, they’re all an amazing support crew for our lives and it’s fantastic to be able to see them more often than when we lived 1000s of miles away.

Friends.  I remember feeling a wee bit isolated at some points in my life, but here in Austin, I’ve never had such a large variety of friends.  We game together, we watch movies and share meals, we throw parties and share our homes for an evening, we drink beer together, we triathlon and run together.  Even though we might see each other less than we did years ago because our lives just don’t permit us to be that social all the time, we just pick up right where we left off when we DO get together.


Sport.  There was a point about 6 years ago when I started getting bored with the gym and I realized I would need a higher goal to stick with it.  I ran a 5k, and was hooked.  Now I’m coming up on my 87-ish race since February 2009.  I may have gained a bit of weight since then, but I’m pretty sure I’m wayyyy healthier (and happier) than I was when I toed that first start line.  And, I’m pretty sure I would have gained a lot more if I wouldn’t have discovered the awesome world of racing.

My health.  This year, I’ve stayed relatively injury free and sickness free (knock on wood).  I’m working through some dietary stuff right now, but I have the knowledge and the ability and the means to eat healthy, good, homecooked food.  Or sometimes not-healthy, not-homecooked food.  And I don’t obsess over it (too much).  It’s about balance.


My job.  It’s funny to say it right now because it’s stressing me out, but when things are going well, it’s my favorite thing in the world because I love what I do, I work with amazing people, and I feel like I’m pretty good at it.

Being comfortable.  While we’re not at the “make it rain” level of financial independence (yet?), and the vacation house in Bonaire is still a dream without a date, we’ve got a lot going for us.  We own our cars.  We are still paying mortgage on a nice house in a nice neighborhood, but we’ll own it within 10 years and if we sold it, we’d make a pretty nice profit on our investment.  Someone comes to clean it twice a month.  Pest people make sure it’s bug free.  We have an alarm system to keep it safe.  We have enough savings that something REALLY catastrophic would have to happen to take us down.  I only go through the motions on agonizing about spending money.

Living in the future.  I have a pocket sized device that does just about ANYTHING I could imagine.  Oh, and it also makes phone calls.  Who does that anymore?  I have a house robot that will answer my questions, play me music, read me the news, or tell me a joke by just asking.  Hopefully, my next car will drive itself (but if not, the one after, and my next one will run on electricity).


I am also thankful for YOU!  If you’re reading this, I appreciate you taking the time to come to my corner of the internets and read my ramblings and look at my ridiculous selfies.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!  Eat lots of turkey, or tofurkey, or whatever floats your boat, and enjoy the company of your family, friends, pets, or yourself (again, with the boat floating).

If you’re interested in the outcome of the marathon on Sunday, catch me on twitter or Instagram.  Or just wait and I’m sure I’ll blab about it here soon-ish.


I run a marathon in 1 week and 6 days.  That’s kind of soon!


I’m getting a little nerv-cited to do so, but it’s framed in a different way than normal.

  • I’m excited for our day-before movie tradition (Mockingjay Pt 2).
  • I’m excited for Publix sandwiches.
  • I’m excited to drink Corona Lights at the beach bar.
  • I’m excited because we’re meeting Zliten’s friend from college for dinner.
  • I’m excited to see the astronaut museum.
  • I’m looking forward to relaxing on the beach.
  • Also, I’m excited to toe the line of my longest run since Feb 28th and see where I’m at.

Usually this trip is 2 days of nerves and then finally Sunday around noon I get a chance to enjoy myself.  This year, the pressure is off.  I’m just going out for a long run with 1000’s of my friends and people are nice enough to support me with water and gatorade and cheering.

This long run’s plan is not just an easy jog, though.

I plan to run the first… 16-ish? 20-ish? easy pace.  Generally this is around 11:20-30s.  Then, somewhere in the last 6-10 miles, I’d like to do the thing that I’ve practiced in all my long runs and descend the end.   If that means descending from 11:25 to 11:24 averages, so be it.  If I have ONE goal, it’s locking in whatever average pace I am at mile 16, and not letting myself get SLOWER.

Things that have tripped me up in the past:

  • Hills 8-10, 14-16 – they’re not enough to really notice like “oh, I’m going up a hill”, but it’s enough to make running feel a little harder and make my brain go “it’s so early, why is this hard?” and flip out.  I just have to know that these miles are going to feel a little worse and not freak out.
  • The half walkers right at 13 (people who are ~3 hour half people start to cross my path on the out and back right around my halfway point).  Watching people walk sometime makes me want to walk too.  At this point, if it bugs me, I’ll do the visor trick (push my visor down and only look at the feet in front of me).
  • Losing a specific pacer or spending too much effort trying to keep up with a pacer.  My own pace is my own.  I may need to drop behind at first to get warmed up.  I need to cruise a little faster when I feel like I need to go.  At the end, I may need a little motivation to keep my pace up and a pacer may save my life, but I’m not sticking with one at all costs.
  • Don’t fuck with the nutrition program unless my stomach is legit rebelling.  Not feeling like taking my gel doesn’t mean I get to not take my gel.  Once an hour MINIMUM.  Don’t be afraid of caffeine – it will be out of my system WELL before I actually need to be asleep (I seem to retain it for about 12 hours).
  • I took my Garmin off autopause during runs after the race last year.  I want to know how much time I’m taking fucking around with my socks/stretching/water stations/whatever so I don’t end up thinking I crushed my goal but actually was 58 seconds short.

As for gear, I’m going to stick with what I run my normal long runs in – north face capris and a tank, no compression socks.  I love them, but they’re too hot – if I do end up with a huge weather break, I may do compression SLEEVES – I’ll probably never race with compression socks again after what happened last year though.  I’ll bring my handheld with sports drink that can be pitched if I’m over it.


However, I have two things I’m pondering.

Number 1: My shoes.  They are at approximately 250 miles and will be about at 300 at the end of the race if I continue with normal wear.  They’re definitely not completely toast, but I can feel the wear a little bit by the end of long runs.  I figured I would just get a new pair and break them in to run the race in.

Well… none exist anymore in the world in my size.  I have to move to the next version (Clifton 2s).  And they’ve made some changes.  I suppose my only option is to get them, run in them, and decide whether I want to go for it.  I figure in about 20-30 miles I’ll be pretty informed if they work or not.

Number 2: Running with my big heavy phone for 5 hours sounds like a huge drag.  I keep saying I’m going to get a small mp3 player for when I need music (usually seems to be around the 3 hour mark) and I haven’t yet.  I need to get on that.

As for actual training, I missed a few easy miles last week, but hit all the major workouts.

Fast run: mile repeats

I was having a huge case of didn’t wannas, but got out to the track anyway and kind of crushed these.  The workout was – half mile warmup and cooldown (ish – whatever it took to jog to the track).  1 mile ~5k-10k pace (faster than I normally run)x3 with half mile jog recovery.

  • Mile 1: 9:23 (went really conservative because I felt SO not into it, I just wanted to make sure I could finish).
  • Mile 2: 9:08 (felt pretty good after this one, like I hit that 5 mile to 10k race pace)
  • Mile 3: 8:56 (had one more gear here, but this is probably my 5k pace right now)

Long run: 16 miles, last 6 faster

Started out in the upper 50s and cloudy… some of my favorite running weather for training, I like racing in colder weather but it’s much easier to get out the door when it’s not 30 degrees. Anyway, I wore capris, a tee, and a long sleeve… for about a minute, and then it went around my waist. At 5, I changed into a tank top. It was fun to pretend it was fall I guess.

At 10, stopped back by the house to grab music and a bottle fill, and then took off for the last 6 faster. My average for the first section was ~11:25… then…
Mile 10: 10:58, Mile 11: 10:46, Mile 12: 10:44, Mile 13: 11:02, Mile 14: 11:04, Mile 15: 10:54, Mile 16: 10:36.

Pretty happy with this to close out my longer-than-half-marathon runs for a little bit.

13.5-ish other miles of easy running, a quickie open water swim to test out my new wetsuit (that doesn’t exist… it’s a Christmas present but the window to return it if it didn’t fit was closing), and one dozen set rounds out my week.


Somehow, it ended up being another stepback week in terms of hours (about 7).  It is what it is.  I had a pretty stellar first 20 on like… no training, so hopefully being fresher vs actually being trained will work out well.

Then again, I was so excited to hit a 50 mile week last fall… and then my body revolted and I missed a long run and most of a week of running.  I’ve been consistent this time.  Only runs I’ve missed are a few miles here and there during the easy weekday ones but I’ve been putting in 35+ most weeks (just not a lot more).  Maybe my ennui lately is keeping me from getting injured!

Last week: 35 miles

This week’s plan:

Faster runs:

  • 3 mile treadmill run.  Let’s face it.  This is turning into speedwork so I may as well plan for it.  Probably a small amount of quarter mile repeats to keep the legs fresh.
  • 3 tempo miles in a 5 mile run.  Goal will be about 9:30s or whatever feels comfortably hard.

Long run:

10 miles race simulation.  Wearing what I plan to wear (as much as possible pending: weather), warm up a little on the treadmill, try to poop BEFORE my run, not take a break at mile 2 to do it so I can get out earlier, eating what I plan to eat and drink in the morning.  First 5 easy, second 5 faster.  Hide a bottle so I don’t have to stop.

Other stuff:

  • 2 swims.  This so helps me recover. I wish I could have swam more this cycle.
  • 2 dozens.  One down, one to go!
  • ~13 other easy miles to round out the total at ~31.
  • Hop on the trainers and pedal easy while watching Kona.

Life stuff!

The highlights of the week were…


Got to go see Kinky Boots at the Long Center, thanks to Yelp, who treats us so well with amazing seats!

Fancy dinner at Trulucks just because.  They asked if we were celebrating something.  We said we were celebrating CRAB!  Basically, this is my favorite place in the world and since I’ve been out of town for the last two birthdays and anniversaries (boo, I know my life is sooooooo rough), I haven’t had an excuse to go back.  We made one.  We spent way too much money on dinner and it was fabulous.

All day gaming with our Dungeons and Dragons crew for the DM’s birthday.  It was super fun and nerdy!

The lowlights of the week were…

Work is stressful.  We have a deadline tomorrow.  Last week was a lot of pain fun getting there. Cross your fingers for success and my continued sanity.

Wednesday post-speedwork: Let’s have one glass of wine, shall we? It’s pretty late, so just not getting crazy.  Sounds like fun! *fast forward* Awww, crap, I have to be up for work in 5 hours. *grumble*.  Oops.

Sports bra shopping.  It goes like this when you have teh boobs…

  • Stuff stuff stuff poke poke poke… ok, all in!
  • Ack, how do I deal with this clasp?
  • Ok… can I breathe?  Yeah?  Maybe?
  • Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle
  • Jumpy jumpy jump jump jump
  • Running the tiniest laps in the world around the dressing room.
  • Take it off, inspect for potential chafing spots.
  • Know that no matter what you do, it’s a 50 dollar crap shoot.

And with that, I’ll leave you to your Monday.




I haven’t been very 2015 goal oriented this year.  I mean, I’m always goal oriented, but I haven’t been doing the monthly wrap ups and incremental goals and such.  I tried and got really frustrated and hated it and threw it to the ground like an adult and just did my thing.  I mean, looking at it, I did a lot of the stuff I wanted to (e.g. scuba dive in lake travis to keep skills up), or at least the spirit of the thing I wanted to do (get rid of one thing per day kinda = have a giant garage sale in July and not do anything since, right?), but I haven’t made a thing of it.

The one thing I have kept my eye on is my goal of 1000 running miles in 2015.  Last winter started strong, and I was on target for wayyyy more than 1k.  Then in Spring, I went for shorter and speedier stuff, which meant less miles and more intensity. Summer is always lower because of… hot (and hiatus), and then it picks up in the Fall for marathon season.  Now, early November, I’m at just a little over 200 miles to go.

It sounds like a lot, but unless the unthinkable happens, I’m for it.  My planned miles in November will take me to about 85 left for December.  Last December I ran 91 and I don’t see any reason why I’ll be running any less this year.  Either way, I’m only working about 9 days in December and I have no races to worry about, so I’m game to get this done even if I have to cram a little at the end.

I’m way off on my bike and swim volume goals (made when I thought I would have a slightly different focus this year), but I’m going to hold onto this running one.


Marathon Training:

I’m just settling in for the season.  Riding through the highs and lows.  Last week was a little more of the latter, but ‘sok.  Happens.  Hanging on until the upswing.

Training becomes standard after a while.  Generally, I vary the miles a bit but each month is a pretty standard template of miles, more miles, even more miles, and then a stepback week.  This was the first *even more miles* week, and as such, it was rough.  8.5 hours of running is no joke (at least the first time), especially on the third week of a build and when you’re still ramping up.

Most of my mid-week runs this week can be characterized with “meh, I did some miles and it was ok”, but I got my 5, 5, 8, and 5 faster done.  I did one dozen set on Monday morning and felt great about it, but the rest of the week, I couldn’t find a time where I was not just too tired or sore to get the second set done.  Baby steps.

The weekend run really flattened me.  We decided because… schedules and stuff, we were going to do back to back 20 mile runs.  Usually I have at least one week of recovery between.  Highest mileage week in a LONG time + 4 hour run fatigue from last week = not the best run in the world.

First, let’s talk about the bad.  At first it was really hot and humid (then THANKFULLY a cold front came through but it was looking dicey).  My stomach wasn’t 100% thrilled with me at points.  Around mile 5 the miles started to be the longest miles ever.  I almost started crying when we started the 4 mile uphill charge around mile 11.  The back of my legs started cramping trying to hold onto the meager 11:30/mile pace I wanted.  At mile 15 we had to stop at home for liquid and I literally laid on the floor for 5 minutes willing myself to get up and run AT LEAST ONE MORE MILE.


Had to summon my inner badass…

The positives are two.  But two pretty big deals.

  1. I did actually got up off the floor, ripped off the top of a salted caramel caffeinated GU, and went out and did not one, but 5.25 more miles to round out my 20 (my garmin took a nap for a bit, I mapped it out and I ran that much or maybe even more).
  2. It was my fastest 20 mile training run yet, it was a negative split even though the second half included the 4 mile uphill, and the last 5 miles collectively were the fastest.

When I was running up that long hill, Zliten tried to talk to me and cheer me up since I was grumpy.  I told him I didn’t need cheering up.  I just needed to suffer over here, within my self, and I could be done suffering once my run was over.  That’s where I was.  That’s ok.  That’s what got me through.  Sometimes you have to pitch a tent in the pain cave, and you don’t need anything but that and to know that it will end.

My rose-colored glasses made me remember beautiful chilly-but-not-too-chilly sunset runs, the moment when you finish a long run and drink a coconut water, running in the rain, cold and sunny days where you play the jacket zipper game, and the awesomeness where a 40 mile week is kinda no big deal by February.

I forgot about that other aspect of marathon training.  You can’t get ready for 26.2 miles (especially as quickly as I’m ramping up) without a little bit (lot) of suffering. Days like Saturday where your brain is like “PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MAKE IT STOP” but you do it anyway.  Days like yesterday where I’m in the midst of a recovery week but not recovered yet, and I’d much rather crawl into my PJs and sleep for 24 hours but instead I had a 5 mile headlamp run on the plan, so out I went.

October’s training made me what I called “shallow tired”.  My muscles were a little tense after runs and it was a little creaky to get going some days, but I felt fairly fresh underneath it all.

November is starting in the realm of “deep tired”.  My legs are actually pretty conditioned – but I’m just exhausted.  My bones feel tired.  Nothing is really wrong, but there’s a really low level dull ache going on all over and it just feels like each limb weighs a little more than it normally does.

Soon comes the period where I’ll feel the adaption.  I know.  It happens every time.  It’s just hard to be in the hole going “what if it doesn’t this time and I feel this way forever?” because that’s what happens every time too.

The good news is that I’ve done some good work in my cave of tireds.  If I could maintain the speed I ran my awful, cranky, tired 20 miler at, I’ll PR by 5 minutes, and more importantly, come in under 5 hours and get that 5:00:xx off the PR charts. 🙂

But, if it’s not my day, it’s not my day.  This is still a training run, I just have hopes it will be a good one!  I’ll have another crack at the distance after a LOT more training, likely on a day with weather more suited to me.



I’ll sum this area up in one French phrase: Comme ci, comme ca.

The good:

Adjusting to less calories hasn’t been too hard.  I feel like if it was hard, I’d probably be doing myself harm, but it’s been no big deal.  Predictably, the only day of the week I’m wanting to fall face down in an extra large pizza is Saturday, when I’m running for 3-4 hours.  Which is actually pretty justified and I’m indulging that.

I’m getting pretty good at fueling directly after workouts.  Run in the morning?  Drink my smoothie on the way to work.  Run at lunch?  Eat lunch right after (or at least shove part of it in my face on the way to a meeting).  Run at night?  End it at the house where I snack or warm up a batch cooked meal.  I feel MUCH better than when I’d run in the morning and accidentally not eat until 11.  Or long run and forget to eat for hours and get lightheaded and crashy.

Long run fueling has gone well.  Giant bowl of cereal before.  One gel per hour and a gatorade, gu, or heed bottle per hour.  Immediately after, GU chocolate recovery drink.  Then beer and snacks.  Then with two hours, a real meal.

The bad:

I have gotten to the point where I am having to limit myself to one treat per day starting this week.  I’m running enough to support not being PERFECT with my diet, but I’ve given up treats for a MONTH before.  Once a day should be an indulgence, not tightening the belt.

My weight is stabilizing a little bit, but I’m still about 10 lbs up from August 1st.  Hoping to shed some of those before the end of the year.

Still kind of coming to grips with what I’m eating being “healthy”.  I am getting plenty of fiber (for example, I was at 26g fiber yesterday BEFORE dinner), but I’m eating a lot of stuff like non-whole wheat things and white rice and stuff.  I can’t find any real reasons to eat whole grains vs other grains besides “it has more fiber”, which I don’t need.  I run a lot so I’m supposed to carbs and I run so I don’t need to explode my colon with fiber.  So… yeah.

The ugly:

A 20 mile run gives you a lot of calories to play with.  I out ate my run and daily burn by about 500 calories on Saturday (about 4000 burned + 4500 eaten/drank).  Halloween.  Oops.


Life Stuff:

I got a new commuter bike (Fuji Boulevard – we think she’s an ’84) for 40 bucks at the pawn shop.  I have ridden… around the block twice.  Stupid time change (and… marathon training).  Looking forward to playing more.  It’s a very comfortable ride!

I love halloween. I dressed up my bard (D&D character) on Thursday, Gwenevere (with my Lancelot and brought my iguana dragon to prentend to slay) on Friday, and then a vegetarian zombie (graaaaaaaains) on Saturday.  I also randomly picked up a pink wig that was on sale because… wigs!

I have always <3 ed REI, but I love them so much more because they are closing on Black Friday and telling their employees to go play outside (with pay).

Lots of sleep lately.  I slept 12 hours Friday night, and I have barely been able to haul my ass out of bed to run in the morning.  I spent Sunday entirely cooking food, doing laundry, watching TV, and playing video games.  I guess I’m going into hibernation early?

And with that, I’m off to conquer the world, or at least stay awake. 🙂  Happy November!

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