So I love me some West Wing. Besides the amazing writing, the thing I love best about the show is that they get through some freaking huge crisis and save the world and then look at each other and say “what’s next”.  Because that’s so me.  Getting married to the love of my life and looking pretty much smokin’ hot doing it checked off the list.  What’s next?  I made myself take the rest of the week off last week because a) I deserved it, b) I was exhausted, and c) I felt a little bit of a cold possibly coming on so I wanted to stave it off.  I did a DDR workout one day simply because I thought it would rev up my immune system but that was it.

So Monday, I started anew at 159.0.  I knew I was up a bit (and thank goodness I did my 10 day calorie reduction before Vegas, I do believe my wedding dress would have been a wee bit uncomfortable if I had not lost and then gained that much on top of it), and I told myself I would not be upset with myself if it was under 160.  I wish it had been MORE under 160 but at this point, it’s all down from here.  By today, I’m at 156.2.  Not optimal, and still over my “oh shit” weight of 155.0, but the goal is to NEVER SEE THIS WEIGHT AGAIN.

However, I do not regret any indulgences I made.  I do not regret eating a full piece of yummy cake at my wedding.  I do not regret an indulgent steak and seafood dinner, bearnaise sauce and all.  I don’t regret the delicious fried seafood platter I nommed Saturday night celebrating a friends birthday.  I don’t regret ice cream, a slice of chocolate cake, and half a whoopie pie in one day.  I don’t regret MOST of the alcohol (though I wish I could have stopped JUST SHORT of being so ill on Thursday nite/Friday morning).  I just need to go back to making that the very occasional exception now instead of normal life.

So what’s next?   Well, this is the plan for the near future…

-Continue 1200ish calorie weekdays/1500-2000 weekends.  This week easing back into it with <1500 calorie weekdays and 1500-2000 calorie weekends.  Obviously, going along with that, go back to counting calories.  Eat a little more every few weeks if I’m feeling weak and play that by ear.  Start gradually increasing calories each week once I start training for the half once I begin to rack up the miles.  Try to make sure I’m eating at least 5 fruits and veggies, enough protein, enough good fat, and try to keep the sweet treats to a minimum per day, and certainly no sweets on days I plan to have a drink.

-I want to lose weight.  Consistently.  Each week, I want the low weight AND the high weight to be lower than the last weeks low and high weights, even if it is 0.2 lbs.  I loathe to set any goals because it’s been a long time since I’ve regularly lost.  I was starting to make good progress before the wedding so I’m pretty hopefully I can pick up where I left off and continue what I was doing.  I expect the first few weeks it will go quickly since it is going to be new and shiny for my body, but after that, each week I just want to weigh LESS.

– I’ve been essentially doing the same strength training for a year plus.  Sure, I have increased weights and changed up some exercises and all that, but it’s been 4x arm exercises, 4xcore exercises, and 4xleg exercises as fast as humanly possible.  For a while I was getting a kick out of going up really quick in weight and rocking the 25 lb dumbbells, but I have stagnated.  I don’t think I’ve gotten much stronger since I started concentrating on running more at the beginning of the year.  I keep meaning to do a real strength heavy month, and then I sign up for more races.

So I’m going to try something a million other bloggers got done doing and have shown fabulous results with – the 30 day shred.  I am going to do it every OTHER day since I don’t believe in doing the same thing 2 days in a row.  So that’s at least 3 days a week, 4 if I want extra credit on alternating weeks.  I want to see how I feel during/after it, but I’m considering doubling up sessions those days and see if I can just call it a full workout instead of adding more cardio too.  I am going to put it in the Netflix queue and give it a shot (before I spend the money on it).  If it sucks, I will be looking for more strength training recommendations.

-I want to try some run commuting, weather permitting – we have been grey and rainy on and off for the last month… I hate it.  I want the sun back.   I didn’t move to freaking Seattle.  Today is better but it should come back tomorrow.  Bleh.  Anyhoo… I live about 3 miles away from work.  We have showers here.  I have no excuse not to at least try it.  I figure what I’ll do is bring my bag o’ shower stuff/change of clothes the day before so I don’t have to bring anything but my key card/ID.  If it sucks, well, I tried.  If it’s cool – it’s an excuse to do a 6 mile run and get rid of a 5-10 minute commute each way (since I’d be working out anyway).

So here is the plan this week:

Monday: Eat under 1500 calories (easing myself into it), morning 30 mins DDR and evening yoga (missed it, will make it up later this week)

Tuesday: Eat under 1500 calories, evening 5k run and weights

Wednesday: Eat under 1500 calories,  morning 30 mins DDR and evening yoga

Thursday: Eat under 1500 calories, morning weights

Friday: Eat under 1500 calories, morning 5k run

Saturday: Eat under 2000 calories, sometime 30 mins DDR (or something equivalently active).

Sunday: Eat under 1500 calories, rest.

I am trying to ease back into it a bit – hence only 2 weight sessions and ONLY 30 mins cardio per day and only reducing calories to 1500.  Next week if I’m feeling froggy I might step it up and include run commuting one day, get into the shred, or find other ways to fight the fluff that has deposited itself into mah belly. So far, besides missing one session of yoga, I’m right on top of it.

What’s your plan this month?  Anyone have an opinion of shredding every day for 30 days?  Think I’m overdoing it?  Think I could do more?  I want to hear from YOU!