Adjusted Reality

“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.” – Mark Twain

Tag: week in review

Happy Labor Day!



Since it’s a day off work, I will make this quick.  Have to fit a lot of workouting/errands in before a bbq later today.  This week was a 4 day workout  week, and I did the workouts as planned EXCEPT I ditched out on the yoga both days in  favor of stretching in front of the TV.  Not great for me to do, but I guess when the workouts can last up to 2 hours, it makes sense that I want to BE DONE ALREADY.  The actual workouts themselves have been awesome, but I forgot about this part of long workouts – I dread them.  It’s much easier to get myself up off the couch to do 30 mins of *something* and I usually end up doing more.  Right now, I’m sitting here trying to talk myself into the whole “it’s a holiday, so give yourself a break” mentality because a 5k, 15 mins on the arc trainer, and a full set of weights sounds like a hell of a lot of LABOR.

The great part is the 3 days off per week.  I felt stronger in the gym when I was lifting on Thursday because Wednesday I did nothing.  I had actually gone over 2 weeks without a full day off and my body was getting tired.  I relished the ability to take Friday and Sunday off guilt free!  So, it’s a tradeoff.  I think it’s one I like, so I am going to stick with it again this week.  But first, last week’s numbers:

Calories in: 1842 per day average (1742+100 for error)

Calories out: 535 per day average

Calories total:  1307

Total average deficit per day: 717

Heighest weight last week: 155.6

Lowest weight last week: 154.2

So yet another week where it appears that I’m at a huge (but still sane) deficit and have lost no weight.  Boo.  However, I think I’ve made peace that I’m at the size I’m going to be for my wedding.  I’m not all of a sudden going to start losing weight.  There is something my body needs to work through and we will figure it out in due time.  The only arbitrary date I had that I wanted to skinnify for was the big day.  That was actually a huge factor in my weight loss starting – I didn’t want to be a fat bride and wasn’t going to get married until I took care of the problem.  I think getting about 90% of the way there is good enough for me to be happy about and will still shock the hell out of my extended family when they see me.

This week’s plan for workouts is (essentially) the same as last week’s:

Today: 5k run, 15 mins arc trainer, full weights

Tomorrow: 6 mile run, yoga

Thursday: 5k run, 15 mins arc trainer, full weights

Saturday: 60 mins DDR, full weights, yoga

Now, off to start today’s workout!  I may be dreading it, but that’s no excuse to skip it…

Happy Monday?

Today is a good day.  It’s Zliten’s first day at his new job, things around the office are pretty optimistic for a Monday, the weather is supposed to be under 100 all this week (and it looks like I can try running outside in the mornings again!!!), and I weigh 157.4 lbs.

Taking my cookies? Nooooo....

What?  Yeah, you read that right.  2.4 lbs over the “oh shit” weight again.  It was the best of weekends, it was the worst of weekends.  I didn’t do too bad calorie-wise overall, but I did put down over 50 of the swimmy suckers at Red Lobster’s all you can eat shrimp fest thing.  Mostly grilled, and I balanced it with a salad and steamed broccoli as my side (and only had ONE biscuit), and balanced it out with a super healthy and light dinner, but still.  1300+ calories in one meal is not good for anyone.  Then, I went to go see the movie District 9.  Anyone that’s seen it will realize how awesome that is – and I had no idea – those just ended up being my plans for the day knowing very little about the movie.

However, I’ll turn this into an opportunity to conquer mental madness about the scale.  I got back on the thing every morning last week.  Much better than gingerly putting one toe on twice a week, worrying about how it affects my mood.  This, in and of itself, is a big victory, my friends.  I haven’t been afraid of my skinny jeans either, and honestly, 5 lbs of fluctuation isn’t really making or breaking how hott I feel unless I let the mental shit get to me.

Another victory – after eating that big ass meal, I spent about an hour on the couch letting it settle.  After that, I started getting antsy, almost like I had a bunch of caffeine.  I just had to get my hiney up and do a nice long workout.  Not because I felt guilty, not because it was a scheduled day to do such a thing, but because I was full of ENERGY.  One super positive thing about going through half marathon training is that my body no longer shuts down after a huge meal.  It goes “WHEEEE, now we have a ton of fuel, let’s go let’s go, let’s gogogogogogo!”  I definitely wasn’t up for a 12 mile run or anything, but a super hard DDR 20 song course and a nice long strength set fit the bill.

So after much ado – here are the numbers.

Calories in: 1868 (1768 + 100 for “inflation”) per day.

Calories out: 483 per day.

Total deficit: 639 per day or 4473 this week.

Weight: 153.8 low weight (Wednesday), 157.4 high weight (Sunday).

So honestly – my body is just rebelling right now because it’s the end of my TOM and I typically gain weight over the course of those 5-ish days anyway, and I had a bunch of crappy food this weekend.  I should normalize pretty quickly this week.  I’d love to see a weight by the end of the week in the 152’s but I won’t hold my breath.  Unless somehow holding my breath will help me lose weight… then I’m game.

So the plan for this week?  I think I might just give the 4 workout week a try again.  Since I did weights yesterday, I can’t go back to my original plan, but here is what I’m gonna try:

Sesame Street is apparently getting edgier these days...

Sesame Street is apparently getting edgier these days...

Today: 6 mile treadmill, yoga

Tuesday: all out 5k in the morning, 15 mins arc trainer and weights at gym after work

Thursday: 15 mins cybil and weights before work, 5k with timed mile in the middle (7:30 mile, perhaps?) after work

Saturday: 60 mins DDR, yoga, home weights (yeah, this is a little ridiculous but…)

Depending on my time and the temperature, the Tu/Th workouts might rearrange but it will all get in there…

The funny thing is that when I started these in December ’08, I remember looking at the sheer amount of workout each day and freaking out.  Now, I’m looking at the sheer amount of days off and freaking out.  Three whole days off?  What on earth to do with them?  Can I resist the urge to squeeze in workouts on my days off?  What if I decide to go on a bike adventure or dancing or roller skating?  Is that ok?  Before, I pretty much worked out and planted my ass on the couch with exhaustion the rest of the time.  Now I’ve gotten used to the 6-7 day a week plan of moving a little/lot each day.  I really like it.  I think this is going to DEFINITELY be part of my regular maintenance plan once I’m done losing during my racing off season time.  However, my body seemed to previously respond better weight loss-wise to big long marathon sessions, so I’m to give it another try this week.

The other thing that makes me curious is I was eating a LOT less back then.  About 1500 average instead of my 1700+ average now.  I wonder if I should cut my calories a little.  I do also run and lift a bit harder now (+ calorie burn), but I’m also thinner (-calorie burn).  DO WANT a pocket trainer/nutritionist that will work for hugs and tell me what to do, plz.  Since I don’t have that, all I can do is give it a try and see what it does to my appetite.  It looks like it will be about the same calorie burn I’m doing now.  I think I’ll monitor how much EXTRA activity I’m getting outside of these 4 days as well as my appetite and let that be my guide.

Can’t think of much else to yak about, so I think I’ll just get down to it.  My goal is to be a very, very good girl until Saturday night, as that is my bachelorette party and I have a feeling that (rightfully so) caution will be thrown to the wind and partying my face off.  I’ve just been told a time and a place to be, and requested that we do some dancing.  Other than that, it’s all a surprise!  Scary fun.  Bachelorette party stories?  Wanna comment on my workout plan?  I love me some comments!

Set Adrift on the Sea of Anti-Bliss

I’m feeling a bit adrift this week.  The rants in my head aren’t going away so I’m gonna go ahead and post some negativity.  If you’ve noticed it’s been “posting lite” around here lately it’s a combination of the new job having a lot more to do, wedding stuff taking over after work life, and the fact that I’ll write something, get frustrated, label it as bullshit, and then not post.  I’ve rarely ever done that in the past year.  Usually if something comes out of my fingers it gets slapped up here.  Lately, I’ve just been a bit more self-censoring for some reason.

Weekly Recap:

So yet again, I’m posting increased calorie counts, but this week I’m also posting decreased activity.  Without further ado, here we go:

Calories in = 1921 (adjusted to 2021 with my +100 per day for my nibbling habit)

Calories out = 458 (average of what spark says I burned and what the other website says I burned)

Total calorie average per day = 1563

Average deficit per day = 461, or 3227 total.

This should translate to about a pound loss on the scale.  So why am I frightened to get on it?  Today I got on and it said 154.0, which is a marked improvement, but I really had to force myself to not just skip it again.

Scale Woes:

The scale has become a big issue for me lately.  I know daily (or at least multiple times a week) weighing is the key to keeping my weight under control.  However, right now I just *cannot* detach the emotions from the number I see there, and I see the danger in that.  If I don’t get on the scale because I’m afraid of a gain and that it will cause my mood to be foul again like it was a lot of last week, I’m prone to let my weight go without checks for longer, and that will lead to gains that will be harder to lose…

Yeah, I know it sounds crazy and neurotic, but case in point: I gained 5 lbs practically overnight the first week of this month.  I’m barely holding onto my “oh shit” weight even now after losing 3 (and after 3 weeks).  I have been eating and working out (beyond the 3-4 days I really let go on vacation) at a rate that I should be losing 1-2 lbs per week.  Math-wise, I should be well on my way to the 140’s.  But that 150 barrier is holding strong.  I didn’t see one weight under 155 last week.  The two times I was able to bring myself to get on the scale last week, I was 155.6 and 155.2.  I guess that’s consistent and all, but still not good.  And I can tell it’s not just scale weight.  Pants are fitting differently and I definitely have more of a pooch than I did before and I think my jawline/muscles look less defined.  No one else might be able to notice, but I CAN TELL AND THAT’S ALL THAT MATTERS.

Mental Madness:

I’m finding it hard to care, but not in a good way.  I feel very teen antisocial behavior-like.  “Well, if I can kill myself for six months and not lose weight but I let go for 3 days and gain, why should I care?”  And the worst part – “If I can’t get myself to lose weight maybe I just don’t deserve to lose anymore.”  That’s the one that bothers me the most.  Of course I deserve to look as good as I want to.  I exercise like crazy.  I may not be a saintly eater all the time, but I’m definitely on the 80/20 plan.  I should look like the lifestyle I lead, but I don’t.   I think that’s what frustrates me.  I’ve become this awesome athlete person, but I just look like some random person off the street who needs to lose 20 lbs.  Of course the ability is more important to me, but the outside – that would really, really be nice too.

The good thing is that it hasn’t affected my workouts.  I really know that it’s a part of my life that even though the scale hasn’t moved much in 6 months, I’m still up and at em at least 5 times a week doing something.  And I have no desire to stop.  It’s just the eating part.  And most people say that’s where the majority of the weight loss is done.

It’s just killing me that what worked for so long just… isn’t anymore.  I lost over 100 lbs with a very careful attention to portion size/calorie count, getting my veggies/fruits, and making sure I stuck to a regimented workout program to burn the right amount of calories each week to offset what I ate.  It was something I could incorporate with my life long term.  Then it just stopped working.  The last 15 lbs has been a struggle and the last 5 has felt like banging my head against a brick wall repeatedly – not productive for me OR the wall.

I just can’t really get anyone IRL to support me on this, even though by doctor scales I’m still overweight for my height and 20 more lbs is a perfectly reasonable and sane weight for me.  Everyone thinks I’m an idiot and ridiculous for wanting to lose more weight.  I should just be happy to not be fat anymore, right?  Well, it’s not good enough.  I’m NOT happy at this weight.  I don’t look in the mirror thinking that if I saw this for the rest of my life it would just be peachy.  I’m ok being here temporarily, it’s not that I think I look like the thing with 3 chins again, but the point of project: deporkify was to finally lose all the weight I wanted and be somewhere I’d be happy for the rest of my life.  And I’m not there yet.

The Plan:

This is the problem.  I can wrap my head around “ok, I’m eating too much, need to eat less and move more”.  I can even accept if it was that I’m lacking in motivation and perhaps it’s something I shelve and pick up later.  The problem is I just need some direction because what worked before isn’t.  And eat more and move less just seems like craziness.  I feel like I’m flailing around trying to grab at something, anything that might work and then when it doesn’t right away I freak out and try something else.  Maybe the answer is to go back to 20×3 times a week light cardio and 15×3 times a week weights and 1200-1500 calories a day.  That, frankly, scares me more than any cabbage soup diet.  And maybe that fact should scare me too.  The point is-


I think a sane plan is to cut out all this madness until after the wedding and reset upon my return.  However, I am (not-so) secretly TERRIFIED of the next month and then not fitting in my wedding dress.   I need to at least keep TRYING even if it means that I just maintain and/or lose the accumulated half/vacation 4 lbs.

So the plan going forward even if I don’t really know if it will do a goddamn thing-

1.  Get on the scale every day.  Ditch the google home page tracker that yells at me for fluctuations, as I DO NOT NEED THAT SHIT RIGHT NOW.  Realize that fluctuations aren’t the end of the world.  Practice seperating a number from an emotion again.

2.  Keep trying for 1700 cal/average per day, and as close to 1700 each day as I can.  Keep the workouts to about 400 cal/day avg.  Mathmatically, this should work, as it’s about a 700 calorie deficit per day (so a little less than 1.5 lbs per week).  Vacation probably just screwed things up and I need to give it more time.  Bleh.

3.  Lower my (unreasonable) expectations.  If I can lose 1 lb per week going forward, I can be in the 140s for my wedding.  I think that is a reasonable goal and something I can really be happy about.

4.  Realize that it is MY responsibility to eat healthily, not anyone else’s.  I’ve made baby steps here lately after a big lapse of judgement lately.   I need to remembered that no one really cares what I order, just that I freak out when people suggest places where it’s either tricky to get a healthy meal or too tempting to get something else.  I know that when it’s time to maintain, I can go back to an occasional indulgence and I know the meaning of occasional and am VERY comfortable eating that way, but for now, ordering the grilled shrimp instead of the fried is just fine.  Fried shrimp will still exist later.

5.  Try not to let any of this affect my mood.  I’ve been a little touchy lately (Zliten might call that the understatement of the year).  I know it’s counter productive because it all feeds itself into a vicious cycle.  I’ve done pretty well at kicking the habit of eating because I’m upset or wanting to console myself, but the temptation is still there sometimes.  I recognize that a workout is a WONDERFUL cure for a bad mood, but doesn’t mean that I don’t entertain thoughts of skipping it to go sulk on the couch when I’m having a bad day.  My life is awesome overall, need to stop sweating the petty shit.

Hopefully I can come up with something a little less whiny to post upon later this week, but considering this was the THIRD post I wrote in the last week in this vein, it was time to post.  Any advice, or words of encouragement, or commiseration, or even “suck it up, buttercup” comments are welcomed.  icanhascheezburger images today for a good mixture of grumpy and cute. 🙂


Things are still about 85% cuh-ray-zee at work but wanted to check in and make sure y’all knew I wasn’t going off the grid here.  Hopefully I can resume a semi-normal posting schedule soon but hey, what IS a normal posting schedule up in here?  I was aiming for at least M/W/F.  Oh well.  I am here now, and should probably stop wasting precious words blathering about posting in my post.  Oooh, recursive.

Anyhoo, a recap of last week, and what’s shaking in Quix-life this week.

Last Week Wrap Up:

Hello, dinner course on Sunday.  Dont you look delicious.  Hey, those are half taters and caliuflower, so dont judge me (too much).

Hey there, dinner course, you look delicious. Hey, those are half taters and caliuflower, don't judge (too much).

Last week, I ate an average of 1825 calories tracked per day.  I’m going to go ahead and tack on an extra 100 per day with the nibble of this, sip of that habit I have and say 1925.   This was not on accident.  Iput things in my mouth such as an 800 calorie sandwich, 3 servings of potato/corn chips in ONE DAY (and with dip), a sugary alcoholic beverage or 2, and a 3 course filet and crab meal dripping with butter.  So much for after-vacation repentantance, huh?

However, I increased my activity.  Instead of my 417 per day I aimed to burn, I was all the way up at 742.  I did 6 full workout days with at least 30 mins moderate/intense cardio on 5 of them.  I did 3 full weights sessions.  It was a good workout week.

1925 – 742 = 1183 calories.  Oops.  Considering I should be ingesting just over 2000 calories to sit on my butt all day, that might be a little too much of a deficit.  1000 calories is the absolute line, but 800 calories per day is pretty close.  Before I added up the numbers, I was thinking “geez, why did I eat so much, I had a horrible week, I should have busted my butt in the gym more…etc”.  It’s becoming apparent that I must have mistreated my body during half training if I feel like I’m eating too much NOW when I’m training way less.  Next time I will track food but it will probably be a matter of making myself eat more healthy food than I feel like I should.

This week the goal is a little LESS food and a little LESS workouts.  I’d like to bring the ratio to 750 or less also (that is, in theory, 1.5 lbs lost in a week).

The zone ratio this week – epic fail.  Closest I got was 27/26/47 and the weirest ones were 6/19/63 or 12/50/38.  I don’t think it’s in the cards anytime soon for me to eat 40/30/30 effortlessly, but it’s not a horrible idea to work towards it, the way I naturally eat is very carb heavy because I love my fruits and veggies and starches and think meat should be used in between bread/tortillas/etc or on top of salads, stir fries, curries, etc.  I love beef jerky and turkey pepperoni as snacks, and it feels rather sinful to mow down almonds and pistachios, but I find that while I’m satisfied, I’m not satiated and want something carby with it as well.  It’s all about finding a balance.

Last week’s high weight was 157.6 and last week’s lowest weight was 154.6.  I’m going to start tracking both.

Non-Obsessive Fitness Related Stuff:

As for the other stuff in this here post, things have mostly resolved themselves.  Zliten got his offer letter today and starts on August 31st.  The salary, though not the ridiculous money he was making before, is better than expected so that’s a bonus!  It is a relief and came just in time.  It will suck a bit to have to wait about 1 month to get a second income coming in so the savings will take a small hit, but considering it’s temporary – I can’t complain.  And we can finally work to replensh it after that!

The work stuff – while there are still fires burning, things are settling down well.  Coming in at this stage of a project is actually nice because I’m more involved and can contribute to the direction, instead of just feeling like a secratary while the big boys get to play.  It’s nice.  It’s – as always- a work in progress I’ll have to keep vigilant about, but I think this is going to be a good learning experience here for me instead of a disaster, which my initial reaction was last week.

What Now?

This week, she is a busy one.  I’m plowing through insane amounts of documents at work (trying to archive 3 years worth of stuff).  I posted my second best mile time EVAR today at 8 minutes flat.  I could have done it in less time (I wasn’t completely wasted after), but I miscalculated (I start slower at the beginning and then work up – so while I should have started around 8:15ish I started at 8:30 pace).  Next time!   Today we are going out after work for the August Yelp Elite party (organic BBQ and organic Vodka and live music?  Yes plz!) and going to pop the champagne and celebrate Zliten’s jobiness.

Then – it’s all wedding all the time.  47 days until it.  Yikes!  We are working on registry stuff at Penney’s,

These shoes are the trifecta of awesome, just cross your fingers they work with the dress...

These shoes are the trifecta of awesome, just cross your fingers they work with the dress...

Target, and Amazon.  You’d be surprised how hard it is to do this – I decide, “Ok, I want some luggage.”  Then it takes me an hour to pick out the one piece I want and read reviews and such.  Zliten during this time has added 40 things.  So it’s been a long, slow process.

Sunday, I was fortunate enough to find shoes.  They were cute, comfortable, and on sale.  Now, I’m crossing my fingers that they match the dress and we’re solid.  I also grabbed some silk flowers from the craft store and am trying to wrap my head around how I want them in my hair.  I’m hoping to make them myself because they are so freaking expensive online.  Clip+silk flower != 50 bucks in my world.  I have a bracelet, I need a necklace and earrings, spanx, and am looking for a tropical-ish brooch possibly to go on the front of the dress.  I think I’ve nixed the veil idea although I wouldn’t mind something similar/in place of it.  Maybe a colored, super short veil?  Maybe I go with a flower crown and do ribbons?  Lots to think about, but it’s getting put together.  Next month we start talking with the site and getting all that dealt with – though they assured us they do tropical themed weddings all the time so it wouldn’t be a problem.  Hope that’s as easy breezy as they say it will be.

Beyond that, I’m just going to try to get through the week alive and enjoy the ride.  I miss your blogs, and hope to catch up on them soon.  Any wedding tips?  Doing something cool this week?

This May Be The Ticket…

**Warning, this is not an exciting post. Proceed at your own risk of falling asleep to numbers and a bit too much self examination**

This is the disclaimer I used to post at the beginning of each of these reports listed below.  It’s true, and I can’t see that it’s very interesting to anyone but myself.  Today’s blog is mostly for me.  If you want to come along for the ride, feel free, but I don’t expect it.  However, some of you crazy numbers people might be interested in what sort of self-reporting I was using during a good chunk of my successful weight loss phases.

I seem to have achieved a lot in a week – I got my emotions about it in check.  I got my appetite in check (I’ve been ok at 1300-1400 all week).  I lost the freaky extra weight from the weekend and am hanging out around 152-153.  I’m not freaking out about 3 weeks since the race and I’m not back to my low weight yet, I’m actually being pretty zen about it.  I’m going into this weekend with a “I can do it” attitude instead of a “how can I do it” one.  I think I might actually be in the headspace where I can do this sanely.

Since I established I’m ready to give it a try, I was trying to remember what helped me to succeed before.  I was re-reading my old Sparkpeople blogs and it hit me!  I am best accountable when I am accountable daily.  It might look like overkill, but I might as well give it a try, it’s like 10 minute out of my day max.  If you’ll notice on this sample week my weight is pretty much going steadily down (oh, how I have missed that), I keep my calories pretty low (I wasn’t working out that intensely then and that might be another key) and am burning off calories every day, and I have 3 focused goals for the week that are specific.

I am going to eliminate the water category (I get 8 glasses of water before leaving work and keep drinking at home so I have no issues there) and the sodium category (I gave that fight up long ago, and I’d have to track more carefully to get an accurate number).  Everything else is going to stay.  Maybe this will help, maybe it won’t, but it’s worth trying, fo’ sho’.  All I know is I was 40 lbs heavier last April, and bragging about running 1.25 miles for the first time.  Progress has been made since then, mountains have been moved, my friends.  Maybe this is the ticket to getting over the last peak.

April 6-April 12 2008

Goals for this week:
-Stay a calorie burner each day even if its just a little bit (let’s try this again)
-At least 5 fruits or veggies each day (again, lets go for 7/7)
-Get the house clean and organized by Saturday night

Things I did well this week:
-Calorie burner again, yay
-6/7 veggies/fruits (can’t complain too bad)
-House got clean

Things I could do better next week:
-Saturday morning I felt awful, need to have a little bit more in me than a gardenburger and salad when drinking.
-Ate a lot of crap food this weekend. Need to remember that hamburger and tots is NOT going to help me feel better (just worse). What I was craving was salad and soup, not grease.
-Need to figure out why I had my best week ever and I’m up 2-3 lbs. Am I not eating enough or was it just a rough weekend?

Calorie deficit so far = 6582 (best week yet!!!)

BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 847) = (2550)
Calories Consumed = 1483, 19% protein, 38% carbs, 43% fat
Calorie Deficit = (1067)
H20 intake = 9 cups
Sodium = 5935 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 3 servings
Hours of Sleep = 6 hours
General Mood/Notes = Ugh, little too much last night. Oh well! Had a good day after the headache left.
Rating today = A-
Weight= 189.2

BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 882) = (2585)
Calories Consumed = 1662, 26% protein, 61% carbs, 13% fat
Calorie Deficit = (923)
H20 intake = 10 cups
Sodium = 4860 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 6 servings
Hours of Sleep = 8 hours
General Mood/Notes = Friday fun day, yay!
Rating today = A
Weight= 191.0

BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 801) = (2504)
Calories Consumed = 1322, % protein, % carbs, % fat
Calorie Deficit = (1182)
H20 intake = 12 cups
Sodium = 1513 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 5 servings
Hours of Sleep = 7 hours
General Mood/Notes = Feel a little icky from greasy food, but looking forward to a good day
Rating today = B
Weight= 192

BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 0) = (0)
Calories Consumed = 1651, 13% protein, 48% carbs, 39% fat
Calorie Deficit = (52) hehe!
H20 intake = 8 cups
Sodium = 5796 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 5 servings
Hours of Sleep = 7 hours
General Mood/Notes = I am totally pleased with my new low weight, but why do I feel bloated? Heh. Today is either running day or my day off depending on the rain, and tomorrow will be what I didn’t do today.
Rating today = A
Weight= 191.2 (I love it!)

BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 754) = (2457)
Calories Consumed = 1662, 23% protein, 49% carbs, 28% fat
Calorie Deficit = (795)
H20 intake = 9 cups
Sodium = 2597 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 5 servings
Hours of Sleep = 7 hours
General Mood/Notes = Lots more stuff to do today! I decided to eat a bigger lunch because I’ve noticed the last 2 days are under my range. Yay mexican food!
Rating today = A
Weight= 192.4 (average of 192.0 and 192.8 😛 getting lower!)

BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 900) = (2603)
Calories Consumed =1292 , 18% protein, 55% carbs, 27% fat
Calorie Deficit = (1311)
H20 intake = 8 cups
Sodium = 2634 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 7 servings (so much aspargus!)
Hours of Sleep = 7 hours
General Mood/Notes = Pretty good Monday, was busy, had awesome food all day and watch a bunch of Battlestar! 🙂
Rating today = A
Weight= 193.0 (ok, there we go!)

BMR + Calories Burned = (1703 + 867) = (2570)
Calories Consumed =1266 , 18% protein, 55% carbs, 27% fat
Calorie Deficit = (1304)
H20 intake = 10 cups
Sodium = 4216 mg
Fruits/Veggies = 10 servings
Hours of Sleep = 8 hours
General Mood/Notes = Got lots of good work done today! Plus I found some new clothes to wear cleaning out my closet!
Rating today = A
Weight= 194.4 (bouncy bouncy up…oh well)

I will NOT be posting these here, as I do not want to drive my 5 readers away by boring them to tears.  If you’re interested, you can make an account at sparkpeople and friend me (I’m Quixotique).

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