Sometimes the minutes go slow…
(smiling because I’m NOT on the torture device…)
…especially when they’re on the Stairmaster. If you ever wanted to make 10 minutes last forever, there you go. But the months go fast. I can’t believe we’re over halfway through 2024 and almost halfway through July! I definitely am not quite exactly where I planned to be 6 months ago but also, the view ain’t too bad, so I’ll call it even.
How about them sporty things?
I’d say with my renewed goals (running, walking, weights as priority, biking and swimming on the back burner) I did pretty great!
- Running: 40 miles/10 hours
- Walking: 60 miles/21.5 hours
- Weights: 12 sessions/6.5 hours
- Other Cardio: 6 sessions/1.5 hours (mostly the dreaded stairmaster…)
- Biking: once/7.5 miles (in between runs for triple bricks)
- Swimming: hahahhahaah ok, moving on.
This month I’m giving myself one more of these run/hike/walk/lift/stairmaster at the gym months before I do a short sprint triathlon training block and race Kerrville. I signed up last night. When I reframed it as not the thing I need to do all year long but the thing I was going to do from mid-August through the end of September as a training block to mix things up a little bit, it sounded fun instead of tedious. So, we’re going to get out for a swim a week, do some outdoor rides and bricks, and go see what the 45-49 age group has in store.
After the race, I plan to return to run/hike/walk/lift/stairmaster, pushing miles on foot to get stronger and racing road and trail races over the fall and winter. Which I definitely am. We repeated the same course as the race last month whilst camping and my climbing pace on the big hill that almost killed me was much better. I could keep up with Joel. Screw you/thank you Stairmaster, my frienemy.
Speaking of frienemy, shall I introduce you to the scale? Spoiler alert, July isn’t looking much better either.
Insert my inane whining about how it’s hard and age 45 feels like it upped the degree of difficulty to lose weight and its unfair I burn 3000 extra calories a week and there’s no way I shouldn’t be seeing better progress with how I normally eat. And then I realize that I’m tracking food days later (right now I’m 5 days behind, oops) with probably significant levels of error to the point where it’s not worth doing the “add the calories up” thing I’ve done in months past. Hot pockets have become a normal breakfast food, we’re taking a bit of a break from prepared healthy meals so there’s been more random frozen and air fryer food even if I have been able to keep takeout and restaurant meals to a minimum and many other sins and failings in my life right now. So, I’ll stay true to my word and not be pissed I didn’t lose weight because I didn’t try really hard.
(scenes from a random Wednesday off when it was cooler and rainy last month)
So, this month, I want to eat better quality foods that make me feel good. Moar veggies. Whole grains and stick-to-your-ribs carbs even if it doesn’t seem like it means anything. Vary my proteins – I’m on all chicken all the time pretty much rn, so I want to eat more seafood and find ways that I can get a little more lean beef in my diet since Joel isn’t eating it but once a week anymore. All in all, sort of half-assing it intentionally and doing the best I can to at least not gain weight.
Adulting… yeah. Adulting didn’t happen except SOME of the box pile in the garage. I did manage to do a little closet cleanout to help unearth the pile o stuff on the side of Joel’s new office, but I definitely didn’t do the painting and hardware thing I wanted to do and I just don’t have high hopes for it this month either. For some reason (the reason is probably the heat!), I’m much less productive here in the summer.
July, I did/will do some other things. I finally got all my financial stuff in one place and confirmed I’m still able to retire at 55. 9 years and 8 months to go! We planned and booked trips and things and the rest of the year looks like:
- Vermont in August. Let’s go hike somewhere cooler and gorgeous!
- PAX in Seattle and quick trip to Sacramento to visit the aunt in law in September
- Kerrville Triathlon end of September
- (planned) Great Springs Trail Half Marathon October 12
- (planned) McKinney Falls Camping? November
- (planned) Wild Hare 25k Trail Race November 15
- Carribean Cruise December
Busy/fun/exciting stuff!
Fun stuff is going well. I finished my second revision pass on my book, Joel read it, and I now have feedback to incorporate. I’ve shared with a few more people too, but since most people don’t read multiple books per week on a good week like we do, I’m sure it will take a bit to get more. The goal is to finish the feedback this month and then next month start on… book 3!
I finished the Seattle photos, I finished the Arch photos, and now I decided since I’m going to work on the trip I just took (Krause Springs) and see if I can get that done by the time I’m off to the next adventure (not likely).
So, like, second half of the month.
- Eat good food, track stuff even if its later, don’t gain weight
- 3xweek weights, run, hike, walk, torture device (stairmaster)
- Krause Springs photo editing
- Incorporate book feedback and prepare for book 3
- Don’t let the turkeys get me down
- Get ready to go climb mountains!
Sounds fun, let’s go.