Adjusted Reality

“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.” – Mark Twain

Tag: resolutions Page 4 of 5

Awesome (and not awesome) Things – 2014

The days in 2014 are getting short, so here’s a recap of how things went.  Honestly, I stopped tracking a lot of my goals, and happy I got as much done as I did!  Here’s my top 3 (and bottom 3) things for 2014 and how I did on my goals.

2014-09-28 15.56.48-1


Awesome thing #1: I got really really close to my half marathon PR!

Awesome thing #2: My first AG placement in a tri that was not 3rd out of 3!

Awesome thing #3: Laying it down at Kerrville with a huge PR under rough conditions.

Honorable mentions: Volunteering a lot more.  +karma and it’s actually kind of fun.  Surprising myself big time at Jack’s Generic and breaking the curse.  A PR at 10/20 for the 3rd year in a row.

Not awesome thing #1: Nutritional nightmare and subsequent tummy blow up at Woodlands.

Not awesome thing #2: Huge burnout funk (the start of it here) encompasing X-50 and Pflugerville.

Not awesome thing #3: Kind of dying at Space Coast marathon.

2014 Goals:

1. Plan out a reasonable season with adequate training time and enough offseason to keep me from being crispy.  Figure out what the A, B, and C races are and set appropriate goals.

I did great here – except for late April – early June.  I thought throwing a bunch of training at burnout would make it go away.  Surprise (to no one but past me, I guess)!  However, I rebounded with a vengence later to attack season pt. 2 with full on sharp teeth!

Also, apparently I didn’t set any racing goals as resolutions.  I’m ok with that, as I set them all year as races approach.



Awesome thing #1 New gym!  Lake, outdoor heated clean pool, endurance spin with wattage_cottage, and less than 5 mins from work.

Awesome thing #2 Getting my run legs back after the debauchle which was 2013.  It’s nice to be putting down paces that don’t embarrass me.

Awesome thing #3 Finally womaning up and riding streets outdoors in August and September.  Can’t wait to get back out there, actually!

Honorable mentions: longest swim ever, longest outdoor bike ever, fastest over-half marathon run ever, some massively awesome triple brick miles.

Not awesome thing #1 Missing 1k run miles by just a few.  I’m totally going to hit this next year.

Not awesome thing #2 Letting myself get into a hole after x-50 and trying to push through and do long distances for no reason.

Not awesome thing #3 Marathon training was inconsistent this year.  Also, missing my training partner!

2014 Goals:

1. Maintain a 20+ mile per week base, with some 40+ weeks during peak (running).

20 mile per week?  Close.  I intentionally took some weeks off or lower during off season or after races, but if you expanded it to be 15-20, I’d say I hit that.  40+ weeks? Yeah… only during marathon training.  Maybe next year.

2. Have a specific workout planned for each session with pace goals (unless it’s truly a recovery day, then EASY will suffice).  Do not neglect speedwork on any of the three disciplines.  Show up and conquer each training session.

I did REALLY, REALLY well at this for the Kerrville cycle.  I think I know how to periodize tri training decently now.  It didn’t work as well for marathon training, shockingly, that doesn’t seem to fit into a 2 month cycle. 😛



Awesome thing #1: Butter coffee w/protein powder.  This has replaced yogurt as my breakfast and rocks my world because of the ability to consume it so quickly after training.

Awesome thing #2: I hate to say it, but upping my fats and lowering grains.  I’m going to stick with it for a bit if for only one reason: my gut is a lot happier and I am able to handle race day nutrition much better since I started carb fueling myself by corn and potato instead of bread and pasta.

Awesome thing #3: I batch cooked throughout most of the year.  It’s just gotten to be a habit.  There is nothing that fights the junk food monster better than having a healthy, yummy meal ready to heat up.

Honorable mentions: tacos rule my world.  If I ever get an academy award or something speech worthy, I’ll probably have to thank tacos in the list of things that got me there.  Bacon fridays (on Friday, a group of us at work split a large order of smoked bacon) are also on my list.

Not awesome thing #1: I had some bouncing around, but I’ve ended up about back where I started.  It takes about 2 months for me to really get in and start losing weight and feeling good and then I have a race or vacation and it goes back up.

Not awesome thing #2: I don’t think I did much better this year about not eating crap that I didn’t want because it was in front of my face.

Not awesome thing #3: I have a ninja blender and have not made ONE morning smoothie with it.  I see a 2015 resolution.

2014 Goals:

1. Track calories and diet quality all year, minus vacations and/or periods where I am on break.

Oops.  I went super neurotic about it, then got stressed and stopped in April.  I think I’m going to figure out a middle ground for 2015.  Tracking helps me, but when I spend too many hours analyzing my intake it gets me crazy.

2. Batch cook the majority of 2014, and make use of my fit/snap kitchen when I’m too busy to do so.  Try some new recipes, and try to incorporate foods that I don’t 100% love but want to love, to see if I can make myself love them.  Keep variety in my fruits and veggies – man cannot live on spinach, mixed veggies, apples, and berries alone.

Yep!  I so did this.  I expanded my veggies (cauliflower, brussels, sweet potatoes, etc).  I did lots of batch cooking and it still rocks my world. 


Leisure Time:

Awesome thing #1: Vacations!  I got to visit Honduras, Belize, Cozumel, Portland, the Oregon Coast, Pajaro Dunes/Monterey Bay, Port Aransas, Cocoa Beach, Miami, and the Bahamas.  Not to mention race trips to Allen, Denton, the Woodlands, Boerne, and Kerrville TX.  I am really lucky to be able to have the financial means and be healthy so I can use my time off on vacations, not sick days.

Awesome thing #2: Waterpark!  Getting a season pass to Hawaiian Falls made my summer.  I’m already counting the days until we get to do it again.

Awesome thing #3: We’ve had a regular gaming group for most of the year and it’s been so much fun.

Honorable mentions: Getting the chance to see FIVE broadway shows this year.  Lots of awesome friend time and parties.  I barely felt like I fell into a training hole this year and it was a good thing.  Ren Faire.  Halloween.  Five weeks summer offseason to do fun stuff.  Life is good.

Not awesome thing #1: So much money fixing things.  Everything broke this year – electronics, house stuff, car stuff, teeth, legs, etc.  I’m really fortunate to have both a cushion in the bank and our salaries are such that shit like this can still happen and we still are able to put money into that cushion.  And that everything broken that was important could be fixed.  But still.

Not awesome thing: #2: I need to pay some more attention to the house – we have so much stuff that needs organization and purging.  Two adults should not be wishing for more space than a four bedroom house.

Not awesome thing: #3: Gonna go with three fractures in the leg bones for Zliten.  While I’m sure it’s much more annoying to be the one on crutches, it wasn’t without annoyances to be the spouse of a crutchy mc crutcherson.  And, hello, runs are not as fun solo all the time.

2014 Goals:

1. Set one goal per month to clean/organize/redo something.  It can be as small or large as I choose.

Ugh, I tried.  But this stressed me out and I left a lot of things undone.  I still need to scope this smaller (plans for 2015 already in the brain…).

2. We must fix the shingle in the roof and replace the front door.  Scope out redoing the slab on the patio and covering it, repainting/brick work the exterior, kitchen counters and if we want to redo anything else there (gold stars for completing).

We did the shingle and decided to wait because money.  We’ll do this next year.  Door is still holding together.  Nothing else yet.

3. Holy crap, I had a lot of minor things.  So, um, let’s list them.

Things I wanted to do that I did: continue to either host or go to a game night every ~2 weeks or so, not go into a training hole (aka, see people that aren’t my family a few times a month), uploading photos that go on the blog on the blog instead of linking from elsewhere, have more house parties, complete the TX Tri series with volunteering the races I didn’t race.

Things I made some progress but didn’t really accomplish: social media blackout days (I find I close it down more often than I did, but it’s still too much), purge my lists and follow people I’m interested in (working on the second, but I feel BAD about the first!), write shit on the blog that’s not just lists and graphs and race recaps (getting there, but I used to, like, WRITE, now it’s really journally), take care of myself not to get crispy (I did better, but I let the season go too long earlier this year).

Things I just didn’t do: get through my coaching class (I just dropped it, working full time and training and other hobbies and a life means the thought of it is just stressful), go somewhere epic (lots of vacations, but didn’t leave North America), making something wearable on the sewing machine, scuba dive once over the summer (and NOT doing it made me feel like a big noob diving in December – oops), and do something epic over the top nice for someone.  I mean, I think I did nice things for people, even stuck my neck out professionally for some folks, but it wasn’t that selfless “random act of kindness”.


2014 Summary:

If I could sum up my feelings about 2014 in three words (plus, of course, extrapolation because, let’s face it, I’m not succinct and this is my little sandbox so… yeah):

1. Grateful/fortunate/lucky: I have so much cool shit in my life.  While I’m always going to have things to improve because goals are cool, y’all, I am truly happy and proud of the person I’ve become in my 35 years.  I think me at any age would be happy to meet me at 35 and hang out.  And not just 18-20 year old me so I could buy me beer.  Though I probably would.

2. Fun: Yeah, there are things that feel like chores.  Some days at work are a slog.  Sometime I have to clean the house and go grocery shopping or call a human on the phone and life sucks.  But honestly?  So much of my life is viewed as PLAY lately.  I get to summon a whole bunch of creative people to a meeting room at work and come up with plans to make ideas into life.  I get to play in the lake, the pool, at the gym, on trails, in my neighborhood.  Being able to view life as play does not suck.

3. Focused: I focused on doing races for a reason.  I focused on training for a reason and not just MOAR MILEZ (although I fell into that trap a bit late spring and paid for it).  I tried to help us focus a bit more at work and be more proactive about our planning which helped us be more focused and complete more.  While I lost it a bit at home, I tried to make sure relaxing days were for relaxing, and productive days were productive, and there wasn’t too many of one or the other.

I’ll hoist a glass of wine for 2014, it was a pretty great year!  2015, I’m coming for you… after a nice long holiday break (which I am currently in the middle of and it is GLORIOUS).

Cool Stuff April, Random Stuff Whenever

Oddly, in my head, I keep coming back to the thought that I had a disappointing race May 4th.  The weird thing is that very little about the race in and of itself was disappointing, but I feel disappointed.  Until I start thinking about the details, in which, most of them I am pretty happy about.


Unrealistically, I think I was hoping for just a super, amazing, unexpectedly great race.  The ones where you surpass your A goal and rainbows fly out of unicorn’s asses.  I need to remember that those are special, unexpected gifts.  Generally, those happen on races I don’t really care that much about or I’m not especially focused on/training specifically for (read: my half marathon PR, Pflugerville 2012, the last two running races I did, etc).  Triathlons are hard that way, because you have to have unicorns and rainbows in like, five different areas (swim, bike, run, transition, nutrition) and weather plays a way larger factor (wind = chop in the water and slowing on the bike, heat = way more of a factor mid day than at 7am).

I can be disappointed about being dumb on the bike.  I can be disappointed about slow transitions.  Those are fact, those are mistakes, and I see routes to improve that easily (more transition practice before the next race, focus on fast, and also paying the fuck attention at critical points of the race).  I can also be disappointed about getting 4th, when I could feasibly have seen a race that day where I found those 10 minutes I needed and podiumed, but that’s completely and totally who shows up, and definitely never a main goal.

I feel pretty solid about my swimming.  I went to the lake last weekend and swam 2.75 miles in a little less than 2 hours.  My pace was just about 5 mins/mile over my race pace – which probably means I can step my game up a little bit with some work this season.  And since it’s getting hot – swimming becomes a thing I really really like to do so I expect this will improve.

Though I melted on the run, and I had some walk breaks, I’m pretty happy with my run pace, knowing that a slightly cooler day would have made all the difference.  It wasn’t the hills.  It wasn’t the heat.  It was only when those two things intersected I broke.  One of these races, I really want to try to find the edge on the run, but honestly, it wasn’t that day.  I ran a strategic race, conserving some energy on the really bad bits, and ended up with a decent, for me, time.  Run training over the winter really helped, and I’m honestly excited to see what it will do with some shorter course races where the heat doesn’t matter so much.

I think if I have to pinpoint the actual athletic development disappointment to one thing, it’s the bike.  The trainer is great.  It’s helped me be a better cyclist earlier in the year.  The videos I’m doing help me not die so much when I’m outside because they simulate real riding intensities and changes.  However, it’s no substitute to riding up hills outside.  There’s just a feel of movement type of thing that you get good at, and then forget, and have to get good at again.  Year after year.  That’s how those paces get more consistent, and when I get faster going up the hills, I’ll get faster overall because grinding the work on flats is something I’m really good at.

So that’s where I’m at and now I’m moving forward.

I have two more triathlons planned next month: a sprint on June 15 (Pfluger), and an Olympic on June 21 (Gator Bait).  I seemed to do really well racing a half and a 10 mile run back to back, so let’s give the triathlon version a try. We were going to repeat the X-50 (they offered another one on June 22), but we didn’t really want to do the whole weekend trip driving, taking a day off work, and all that, so we’re doing a tri that’s much closer.

Also, while I said podiums and placement is not a huge motivator in process and goals, there is a (unicorns and rainbows) possibility I could place in my new AG at Pfluger (though my much more realistic goal is top 1/3rd/top 10), and the Gator Bait is really small, and AG placement is a distinct possibility.

To prepare for these races:

-More outdoor rides with hills.  More indoor videos.  Less easy pedaling unless I really need it for recovery purposes.

-Maintain at least 20 miles per week running.  Speedwork in terms of short tempo sections of longer runs, double/triple bricks running fast off the bike, and probably a practice 5k standalone around Lake Pf so I can pull on what that feels like when I’m tired.

-Get swimming back up to 2 times a week again.  Continue working structured sets with speed in them.

-Get back on the weights train for a few weeks.

-I’ve got 4 weeks of work until the final taper (probably 3 weeks at full volume, 1 week at 80% and then taper week at 50%).  It’s time to prioritize what needs the most attention.  Also, I need to watch fatigue – I feel pretty good now after a rest week, but that race did take a lot out of me and a lot can change in a month.

After those races, I plan to give myself a month to do whatever the fuck I feel like, maintaining a small base of physical activity so I don’t get fat and soft, but if I feel like kayaking or going to zumba class instead of running/biking/swimming, so be it.  In fact, I’m going to take a break from anything that could be considered long distance training for the most part, because once I’m back, it’s ON because I have BIG EPIC PLANS this fall.  But more on that later.

Final Thoughts:

1. These paces would have been approximately a 6h30min 70.3.  My goal this year is to break that at Kerrville.  So, that’s encouraging.

2.  I beat Zliten on all 3 legs of the course (if you count my actual riding pace, not my time because I added a mile).  That’s actually pretty rare these days.

Food/Scale/Etc Update:

I still can’t seem to get excited about tracking my calories and diet quality and goals and stuff.  If you’ll notice it’s almost the middle of May and I still just can’t even.  I unceremoniously started tracking again last Wednesday and stopped again on Friday.  At some point, it will become a priority in my life to be more than an eating, pooping, working, training machine with a little bit of social animal sprinkles on top, but right now, I’m about full up on that.  And that’s ok.

I matched my low weight for the year at 175.2 last month, and generally am weighing in around 176-178.  For not really paying attention, I’m ok with this.  At some point, I would like to make some progress, but I’m tired, okay?  It is also frustrating that I am able to maintain like a champ, whether I’m burning like 1000 calories a week or 6000, but it takes pretty much sacrificing my life to lose a few lbs.  I also am considering going to get professional help again, someone that works with athletes, someone that can work around my beer habit. 🙂

While I’m staying about the same weight, I keep noticing that this year’s 17x looks slightly leaner than last year’s 17x, which looked leaner than last year’s 17x.  So there is that.  I’ll play the game of inches here until I’m ready to jump. Like I said, feeling full up and so very tired is not the way to start this endeavor.

Cool Stuff April:

Since I haven’t done this yet, let me share some of the fun stuff we did last month.


Fairview Half Marathon: 2:08:50


In n Out after Fairview Half Marathon….


Mustache and Polka Dot Birthday (not mine) Party.  The party theme was concieved while drunk on MY patio, and I’m pretty happy it was carried to fruition.  Fun times.

2014-04-13 07.22.46

Austin 10/20 – 1:37:08 for a 10 mile PR.


This is how we party.  Zliten posing for inspiration.


The boys trimming the bush.


And we decided it looked more like a teenage mutant ninja pirate so we dressed it up as such.


Lots of sunset runs.  Looks like we’ll have just a little more of that weather this week and then it will be too hot for months to run after work.  Sadface.


Pfluger!  The opposite side of the coin – now that it’s warmer, we can go play at the lake all the time!  Multiple trips to the lake to swim, bike, and run this month.  It went from shockingly cold to comfortable over the course of the month!


My fave seasonal beer is back on the shelves.  I almost knocked people down getting to it the first time I saw it this year (sorrynotsorry).

Basically, it’s time to get back at it, rest week is over, and it’s time to train again.  I am loving up our slightly cooler weather and want to run ALL THE MILES in it before it goes back up to the 90s and 100s and summer is really here.

Cool Stuff March

Wow.  Much activity.  So stuff.  Yeah.


This month was jam packed with lots of activity and fun and parties and work deadlines and races and training and trips and OMG.  I am actually in better shape than I thought I would be, but that doesn’t mean it’s not time to get real in the whole foods parking lot in April to try and start the approach to Tri Season #1 and have a body a little more like an athlete than a frat boy.

In terms of run/bike/swim, the ol’ bod held up rather well.  I think the week of vacation with activity, but not formal training really helped me.  I stayed injury-free all month and my heel seems to be in recovery.  Still not sure what happened, but a steady diet of shoe rotation and massage seems to have fixed the issue.

I ran a not-so-good race, but I was pretty happy with my not-so-good race time considering the trauma.  I had a great… bike race?  outdoor timed venture with other people?  supported ride? where I confirmed that my bike and brick fitness is coming along pretty nicely.

Training hours were lower than February, but I knew that would be the case.  They were 7, 10, and 8 respectively since vacation, and while I’d like to be doing a little more sometimes, I feel like I’m doing ok.  I have been working on doing QUALITY riding instead of just getting on the bike and pedaling, I’ve incorporated run speedwork back in my life and done 25 miles per week of running, and though I’ve completely let swimming take a backseat, I don’t feel like it’s hurt me (much).  The weights – well, I’ve done them, but I’ve been inconsistent.


My eating went to shit.  Let’s just be honest.  I probably had more sweets this month than I normally eat in all the other months of the year.  For birthday things and party things and outing things and everyone just really wanted to shove cupcakes in my mouth this month and frankly, I didn’t argue.  They were delicious.

I also spent quite a few late nights up drinking more than I should.  I have a tolerance for some alcohol in my life as a treat, but this got beyond ridiculous with some 12+ hour days of partying on the weekends.

I regret nothing.  I had an awesome month, and ate and drank so many fantastic things and had SUCH fun times.  But, truth be told, it’s time to break out of that pleasure haze and get to work.

I’m still trying to figure out what April will be.  I know it will be these things:

1. Sugar Detox.  No sugar minus a few exceptions: a) getting a small fro yo once every week or two.  I know this sounds like a cop out, but this ONE dessert actually keeps us from a lot of other crap.  b) my dad’s birthday and easter are this month.  I’ll probably have a small bite of some desert here too.  But that is the extent of it.  Also, bike snacks only count if I’m pedaling (eating 15 jellybeans before I get on the bike is NOT OK).

2.  20 out of 21 meals + all snacks = healthy food.  I get to pick one meal a week that has: a) fried food b) refined grains c) other crap that makes me consider it not healthy.  If someone gives me pizza on Monday and I eat it, that’s my meal for the week.

3.  Taking care of myself to not get stressed/burnt.  I have two back to back races (a half this weekend and a 10 miler next), and I don’t plan on jogging either of them.  I’ll show up to each and see how I feel, but if I feel good, I’m going to race.

4.  Figuring out what needs attention in the next 5 weeks before Texasman X-50.  So far, that list has open water swimming and outdoor riding/hill work on it.  Implied is maintaining a good volume of running.

And now, let’s move onto COOL STUFF MARCH!  Here are the highlights…

Half Marathon in The Woodlands


Birthday Diving in Cozumel


Snorkeling in Roatan


Ruins Tour in Belize


Wet Lizard and Belikins in Belize


Playing board games at Emerald Tavern.  Beer + Board Games + Fun = Awesome

Superbrick of awesomeness!apr3-3

Meatstravaganza! for Zliten’s birthday


Playing hookey from running for margaritas because it was too pretty…


Rosedale Ride


Big BBQ March Birthday Blowout

Our Friend M+C’s baby shower (I do like how showers are now getting co-ed and less girly).

Camping two nights at the Sherwood Forest Faire

Our 11 mile run on country roads


Feast of Many Beasts and my first real Faire garb/corset


…and, I’m spent.  April is looking to be super busy too, but I have a planned hermit weekend, so I’m feeling ok about this.

What was your favorite thing about last month?

How It Is, And How It Has Been, Winter Blahs Edition

In 2013, I set monthly goals.  In retrospect, I really liked the idea of having monthly goals and checking in with myself on them monthly, for many reasons.

I’m a procrastinator.  Even if I pushed things like, “go make an eye appointment” to the end of the month, at least it got done.  Previously, I’d just let those hang out for months/years.

If I saw something appear over and over undone, it made me look at the undone thing and decide what was happening.  Was it just not enough of a priority (in which case, I should forget about it)?  Was something standing in my way I needed to resolve first?  Was it just not worth the time and effort investment (in which case, I should forget about it)?  Previously, I’d just get annoyed and go into a minor shame spiral about NOT BEING ABLE TO GET SHIT DONE.

I also have the memory of a goldfish.  If something is on a list, I’ll remember to at least consider doing it.

However, I didn’t love some things about it.  It was yet another list, which I have too many of on my blog.  I don’t need another.  Also, I tried the gimmick of 13 each month (in ’13) and found myself making stupid goals just to fill out the list.  Finally, it feels like I didn’t focus on all of my yearly goals each month, or at least consider how they fit into the plan.

So, this year, I’m going to try to do a monthly dialogue here.  A conversation over (decaf tea or) coffee as if I was catching up with an old friend on how my month had gone, and how I wanted my next one to go.



Ah, December.  I love the month because it means time off, Christmas and holidays, with the cheer, presents, twinkly lights, family, food, and fun.  I hate this month (ok, my waistline, training, and sleep schedule hate this month) because of deviation from routine, fun food, celebrations, letting go, and hiding in my hidey hole because it’s vacation.  Also, it goes from HAPPY FUN HOLIDAY straight into worst depressing awful yucky time of year so there’s that.  Post holiday blues, going from happy twinky lights to blah, bad allergies, cold weather, grey days, and all that nonsense.

I ran the marathon, I felt rebounded real quick (like, after about a week), and then I started training for 3M Half Marathon.  I was actually doing really, really well, hitting some really great paces for me, but then I got sick.  Not sick enough to really fuck shit up, but enough to disrupt my awesome weekend I had planned and then wreck my mojo for about a week after.  However, I still got in just about everything.

Then holiday break hit.  I did my best, but this last week was just a mess.  Too much to do, body finally hitting the breaking point with all the crap that’s being put in it food and booze-wise, and I have a lot of red (not complete) or yellow boxes (not completed as planned) on my schedule, and that’s not good for 1 week out of a 4 week + taper cycle.

It’s not all terrible – I did get one solid 10 miler in, plenty of 6 milers, and wrecked the crap out of some speedwork and tempos on the treadmill.  I dipped my toe into weights, but that’s about it, to wake up my abs and my arms and tell them they won’t be putty forever.  I also did another 110 mile trainer ride, just to remind my quads what would be to come this season.

The good news is that the scale doesn’t think I’m that terrible of a person.  On NYE, after not weighing regularly for a while and fearing for the worst, I weighed in at 176.  Now, I’ve seen a few numbers AFTER that day that don’t make me very happy, but I’m pretty sure that a week of drinking water (not wine), batch cooked healthy meals, and counting calories, and I’ll have this under control.

The other good news is I really, really enjoyed my happy fun break of hanging out with friends, playing games (video, board, and tabletop), reading, eating amazing food, cuddling my husband, and relaxing.  There was a point where I had no idea what day it was, and had no to do list.  That was refreshing, to just be and exist and not worry.  I miss it already.

A few things I didn’t get done that I wanted to: go use my iFly cert, finish (I started, but have a long way to go) my Savage Worlds story, and figure out a way to make the break longer.



A new year, a new start.  2013 was generally awesome but had some sucktastic moments.  I love the new year, the calendar pages blank and ready to be scribbled upon, like new fallen snow… if I liked snow.  So far, it’s been a little rough transitioning from vacation to real life.  I don’t mind the routine, I actually like it, I just… am not quite ready for things to wratchet up to 11.  January has not been terribly kind thus far, but I’m hoping I’m through the worst of it, and we can call a do-over with a slower crescendo.

In terms of the sporty spice side of life, this month will have peaks and valleys.  In 1.5 weeks, I’m running 3M, my first race of the year, and the first half marathon I’ve race-raced since 2010, which happens to be my PR of 2:08:08.  Then, I plan on taking a week or two a little lax (honestly, my goal is to swim a shit ton since I have my new swimp3 player and it could use the kick start since I’ve swam TWICE since Kerrville), and then starting to ramp up for tri season.

I’m going to stay run-focused the first part of the year, but I’ll have to sacrifice some of that lovely hoka time for lovely bike (maybe some OUTSIDE) or lovely pool time.  It is really nice to be a triathlete right now that loves all 3 sports.  None of them are on my shit list, or in the doghouse.  I have a feeling it won’t take until February, and my guess is that either biking or swimming (or both) will reside there for a while while I shake off the maintenance cobwebs into real work, but it’s all part of the fun.

I have the first part of my season narrowed down to a sane racing schedule, now it’s time to just make sure it’s sane in terms of travel and money.  The plan is to do 2-3 half marathons early in the year to keep the legs sharp.  I want major run motivation, and I also really want a good shot to PR my half before summer hits.  I’ve got a few bike rides as well.  Neither of them are full centuries, but they’ll get me some nice outdoor miles.   Then, an April triathlon, one in May, and two in June.  I’m still debating distances, but it looks like one sprint, two x-50s (1 mile swim, 40 mile bike, and 9 mile run), and one either olympic or 70.3 (which is my season opener – otherwise the 70.3 would be a no-brainer).  I hope to get the registrations done this month, before a lot of them go up in price.

In terms of healthy eating, I’m enjoying the January cliche.  I fell off the wagon a bit, and now it’s time to jump back on.  I’m the most ready for this.  I miss good healthy food.  I batch cooked this weekend and now I have meals that are delicious and just a microwave oven away.  This month has to be strict for me.  Logging every calorie and diet quality score.  No sugar except on the bike.  I need an ass kicking to get myself back to… myself.

My weight is hanging out right now about 179.  So, I’m not going to make a numerical goal because I’ve seen that’s pointless, but if I follow everything above, it should equate to LESS.  I’m hoping significantly less.

In domestic affairs, my biggest goal is to get the house back in order.  Getting Christmas and NYE decorations down and stored (they’re down but not stored), cleaning out the refrigerator and freezer (again) to make my healthy food accessible and get rid of the junk, and keep the house (relatively) neat in between cleanings.  I’ve gotten a little better at this over 2013, but I could be better.

Thing of the month for January is replacing the front door.  New cracks appear in it every month as we slam it closed three times before it actually takes.  It’s time.  I’ll have to deal with having an ugly white door until we decide what to do with the exterior, but functionality is more important now.  A bonus goal?  Cleaning out my car.  I kept it SO clean for the first five years of it’s life but now it’s my junk bucket.  It will take 15 minutes to do, I just need to make it happen.

In social matters, January should be a nicely balanced month.  I have parent plans, friend plans, and game night or two on the horizon.  I definitely am going to need to take care to not get overextended though – my training volume isn’t high enough that I’m physically exhausted all the time, so I need to artificially engineer days of relaxation to keep the mental fatigue in check.

In social media – I need to be good about blackout days.  For example, Sunday at home.  This was harder than I expected.  I loaded it up, checked everything, closed it down…. and later in the day I had the itch… and caved.  It was much better than having it open all day though.  This is the big focus this month… not bending to the time-waster will.  On Sunday, I got a LOT of shit done that I might not have if I was tied to my laptop all day, so it was at least a partial win.

In general, my goal will be to get back into routine, and have it be just that by the end of the month.  Eating good food, following a training plan, getting back into old, good habits, and minus a few goals, saving the revolutionary stuff for another month.  Keeping a to do list (both at work and at home) so that when I have small chunks of free time, I don’t flail as much at being productive.  Y’know, that kind of goodness.

Thanks for indulging me, now it’s your turn!  Tell me… how was your December?  What do you hope to accomplish in January?

New Years 2014 Roadmap

Instead of posting on Dec 31 or Jan 1 like I usually do, I had to take some extra time on this.  I had this great ordered list written out, but it looked and felt to me like a schedule or an outline, impersonal and to-do-list-y.  I wanted to take some time and really reset and explore the thoughts behind each thing, and I really wanted to give myself a roadmap for the year rather than a list of shit I won’t care about in a month.

1.  Training, racing, being generally a triathlete.


I have mixed feelings about 2013.  I shouldn’t, because I made some pretty good swim and bike progress, and running got happy late in the year and I’m kinda back to where I was 3 years ago (finallllly), but I don’t feel like I really nailed a lot of my races and running was really miserable for so long.

First of all, I’ve found that my focus this year needs to be the run, then the bike, then the swim, at least the first half of the year.  I’ve been making amazing run gains simply by running more, and then with my big base, running faster.  I want to maintain a good base, and pull some nice big weeks during peak training.  I’m finding the run is the first to go and the last to come back, so it needs the most attention.  I’m not losing that much on the bike (if anything) just keeping one long trainer ride per week, and I pretty much quit swimming for 3 months and I picked up almost where I left off once I got back in the water (I’m a little slower, but a week or two of multiple swims a week should fix that).

Goal #1: maintain a 20 mile/week run base, pull some 40+ weeks during peak training.

Each workout needs a specific goal.  I’m not seeing much improvement with workouts like “run 10 miles” or “bike on the trainer for 2 hours”.  I saw some amazing run improvement when I incorporated specific speedwork (aka – 8×400 @ 7:50 pace), and started tempos again (either as part of a longer run or the whole run itself).  I’m hoping to transfer that work over to the bike and the swim as I start focusing there.

I want to really focus on nailing training.  I missed my goal time for the marathon by 22 minutes.  I just was not having a super day, my legs forgot to show up.  Rather than it being a disaster, I just thought back on the AMAZING training I had done, and was extremely happy.

Goal #2: have a specific workout planned for each session with pace goals (unless it’s truly a recovery day, then EASY will suffice).  Do not neglect speedwork on any of the three disciplines.  Show up and conquer each training session.

I’m still planning out my race schedule, but this year, I’m not locked into racing anything because it’s part of a series, and I didn’t jump on any presales.  2014 truly is my oyster at this point.  I want to race enough to keep me motivated and interested, but also remember that I LOVED the 2 month training block and not to let my race FOMO get the best of me. Racing during the hot summer doesn’t make me happy, so I’m not going to do it, I’m going to focus around a spring season and fall season taking the summer as a break from serious training.

Specifically, I want to PR my half marathon, do a full century outdoors (either standalone or as a full IM aquabike), and complete a 70.3 where I feel as if I raced it (which should assuredly result in a PR, but a PR in and of itself is not exactly what I’m chasing), but I’m sure other goals will come up as the year progresses.

Goal #3: plan out a reasonable season with adequate training time and enough offseason to keep me from being crispy.  Figure out what the A, B, and C races are and set appropriate goals.

2.  Eating/the scale/diet quality


2013 was the first year I saw some actual downward progress since 2009, when I finished losing all the weights.  I lost 10 lbs in the spring, and I’ve kept it off.  I’d like to do the same this year (I’m not picky about which season, I’d be ok if this happened in Jan and Feb ;D).  So, a lot of this will be more of the same (as that period of time), which is helpful.

The real key here is accountability and data.  I can lose weight when I track both the quantity and the quality of what is going in my mouth, and set appropriate goals by my current training level.   I need some flexibility, as I get really crazy if I try to be perfect, but I do best with numerical goals here and sometimes just having to own up to logging the calorie damage and/or negative diet quality points will stop me from making crappy decisions.

Goal #1: track calories and diet quality all year, minus vacations and/or periods where I am on break.

Batch cooking was a major success.  Having something that I wanted to eat on hand to throw in the microwave was a huge proponent in me eating good food in proper portions.  Let me tell you what I don’t want to do after an early morning run, a full day at work, and then a night session?  Cook.  However, my laziness usually works to my advantage here, because nuking something that I may not be 100% thrilled with will usually win over going to purchase something else or making something else from scratch.

I have a great repository of batch recipes now, but I’d like to start working on incorporating and trying to like some foods that are super healthy, but I’m not so keen on, or actually like, but rarely eat.  I conquered avocados and kale last year, I’d like to see if I can incorporate sweet potatoes and see if I can do anything with eggs that mask their taste and texture to be a meaningful addition to a recipe.  In the latter category, I’d like to eat brussel sprouts more – I love them, but I always forget about them.

Goal #2: batch cook the majority of 2014, and make use of my fit/snap kitchen when I’m too busy to do so.  Try some new recipes, and try to incorporate foods that I don’t 100% love but want to love, to see if I can make myself love them.  Keep variety in my fruits and veggies – man cannot live on spinach, mixed veggies, apples, and berries alone.

3. Organization/House/Renovations


I bit off more than I could chew last year.  Guess what a busy triathlete wants to do on precious free time during the season?  I can tell you for certain that it’s NOT spend the weekend cleaning shit.  This year, I want to renew the theme of trying to do something per month, but scope it to the amount of time I reasonably have to dedicate to it.  If that’s reordering a room, great.  If it’s just cleaning out the junk drawer in the kitchen, that’s fine too.

Goal #1: set one goal per month to clean/organize/redo something.  It can be as small or large as I choose.

Last year was the money suck of everything breaking (our house, electronics, random things, us…) and I’m not sure how much we’ll have to really spend on a bunch of remodel this year.  However, it would be nice to scope out and start planning some of the larger projects we want to do and keep an eye out for deals.

Goal #2: We must fix the shingle in the roof and replace the front door.  Scope out redoing the slab on the patio and covering it, repainting/brick work the exterior, kitchen counters and if we want to redo anything else there (gold stars for completing).

4.  Social/Social Media Habits



Pic shamelessly stolen from my friend, A.  Also, sad that I had to go back to 2012 for a friends picture, I have been really bad about taking group pics this last year.

2013 was the year I figured out responsible drinking, quit smoking, and really found a balance between going into a training hole and being so social I wasn’t rested and wanted everyone to go the fuck away.  This is a lot of same-as-it-was with a few additions, mostly on online habits.  I don’t have that much in the way of long thoughts here, so I’ll just number these.

Goal #1: continue to host game nights with our Savage Worlds crew.  Actually finish my story and GM for the first time with our SW campaign.  Do an occasional game night with other board games.

Goal #2: we only had ONE large party at our house this year.  That made me sad.  This year, I’d like to host at least 3 – one for our birthday (March), one to celebrate the first part of the season being over (July), and NYE (December).

Goal #3: no matter how busy I am, I need to hang out with people who are not my family at least twice a month.

Goal #4: social media blackout days.  I waste WAY too much time on twitter and facebook when I have them open all the time.  I’m declaring Wednesday and Sunday blackout days.  I can open them once in the morning to scan/to make sure I’m not missing messages or somethin’, and then they stay closed all day.

Goal #5: start following more triathlete/runner people and actually interacting with them.  Purge my twitter feed of shit I don’t care about.  Comment on a larger variety of blogs so maybe more than 2 people might read this stuff.

Goal #6: write shit that’s not just race/training recaps and ordered lists.  Yeah, that stuff is important because it helps me analyze data and reflect and grow and maybe share some of my successes and fails with other people, but it gets duuuuuulll.  I’d like to err on the side of doing these less often, quarantining them to maybe a once a month data dump, and that frees me up for more posts about the random thing that I was thinking about during my run and delicious recipes and my newfound love for Hokas.  I’d like to find my writing voice again, and report-posts take me away from that.

Goal #7 upload the photos I use HERE instead of linking from facebook, because apparently they go away after a while (looking through my archives, anything over 2 years old seems to have no photos, which I assure you – they had).

5.  Bric-a-brac/One Liners


Goal #1: Get through my coaching class.  Look into both being mentored by other, more experienced coaches, and working with some athletes besides my husband and my friend M.  Start at least working through what it might be to make this a business if/when the opportunity presents itself.

Goal #2: Go somewhere epic.  Right now, the current thought is Australia for the 70.3 there, but if that doesn’t work out – something similar.  Marathon in Europe perhaps?

Goal #3: Make something on the sewing machine that can be worn out of the house, from scratch.  Make at least a few new necklaces.  Figure out a better way to store my necklaces, or at least organize them in a way which makes sense.

Goal #4: Start an outline and working doc for a personal game project that we came up with last year and got really excited about, but have not committed to paper yet.

Goal #5: Scuba dive at least once over the summer to keep our skills sharp (and of course, on vacation in March and in December).  Maybe get nitrox certified so we can dive longer/lower.

Goal #6: Complete the TX Tri Series.  Considering I’m only signing up to race 2 of them, that means volunteering for 4 of them.  Volunteer as the opportunity presents itself otherwise.

Goal #7: Take care of myself to avoid mental crispiness.  One day a month needs to be off.  Like, completely.  No chores, no shopping, no training, no major cooking, just pure relaxation.  Take mental health days as necessary from work, or at least clue my boss and assistant in on days I feel really really mentally thin so they can help me.

Goal #8: Play games, read, go to movies… don’t get stuck in a “watch endless seasons of things” rut.  Try to do other stuff too that’s relaxing.

Goal #9: Do something really, super, over the top nice for someone that they don’t expect that doesn’t benefit me at all.

Hopefully, this map gets me to the place where I go, “Damn, I ROCKED 2014!”.

Question: Where does your 2014 roadmap take you?

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