My body and mind have decided for me – a bit of a break it is.
Last week, I could barely get myself to the gym to even get on the elliptical. I did 2 40-45 min sessions, and a 30 min bike, plus crunchtime class. I had intended to do a big swim and a big run this weekend too, but I just can’t do it. My hip is feeling a bit better, though still a little tight (major amounts of dance party at/after the work holiday party may have been a factor), but it’s my brain.
I am so over it. I finally hit the motivation wall.
The good news is since I ramped up the mileage so quick, I just need to do a few more long runs before Feb to really be back in business. The bad news is it looks like I’m going to be going quite a while in between my disastrous, lots of walking 18, my hip-hurty, slowest half-marathon by 20 minutes race, and my next run. It was supposed to be today, and my goal was to just get out and run and see what I could do.
I have a sore throat. Right before vacation. I seriously think I get sick with LACK of stress. I’m hoping it’s just a fluke and I feel better tomorrow, but I think a long run outside is just asking for trouble, so instead, I’m going to lift heavy things, and if I feel better, later get on the bike or elliptical.
My body, mind, and motivation are falling apart. I suppose it was ambitious to give myself 2 weeks off between tri season and ramping up for a marathon, but I was feeling SO DAMN GOOD. I conquered the summer. I ran outside. I got amazingly comfortable with the half marathon distance.
Conquering the winter is so much harder. Getting going in the cold is SO much harder for me. Even getting up/out of work and to the gym is harder for me. Some people have a summer slump. I have a winter slump. Usually, though, it waits until January/February. Boo.
As much as I should probably stress out about the lack of runs, I just can’t bring myself to do it. I’m going to give myself the time I need to mentally and physically be ready to run again, and pick up the mileage when I can muster it. There may be something to telling 1st time marathon runners to not hit the 20s too quick, and not peak too fast. It may just be the perfect storm of work stress, approaching my least favorite time of year, and the effects of training all summer to PR sprint tris, and in a perfect world, I’d be fine with lots of miles. Either way, I needed to find out myself, I guess.
So, I’ll give myself one more week of healing, recovery, activity when I want and only when I want, and not worry (too much) about it. I’m not a failure because I didn’t run 20 today. I’m not going to gain a crap ton of weight because I took 2 weeks mellow.
Hopefully I can recenter over the next week and get back to it enthusiastically. With my mind and body both on board.
Note: pictures are from our company party black and white ball. We look pretty fabulous but some of our coworkers went all out. Also, a holiday party that goes from 7-11 pm with light appetizers only is trouble, but I waited to get really obnoxious until dancing at the after party so here we learn 2 things: a) eat something before an epic night of drinking and b) 6 shots of jack daniels (gee, thank you coworker person!!!) after no dinner and you’ve been drinking fairly steadily all night is probably a bad idea even though it seems like a great idea at the time. Have to say – I held it together pretty well though considering before passing out on the couch at home (or so I hear)!
Look at you, gorgeous!! And good for you for giving yourself some rest:) Your mileage base is there, you’ll rock the heck out of your race!
Love the pics! Looks like a great time.
We all hit the wall sometimes… Your motivation will come back!!
You look so so so happy and beautiful.
Here’s to resting.
and more and more as we, err, I get older.