Geez what a crazy crazy CUH-RAY-ZEEE week. At least Zliten sent me random flowers for no real good reason.
Work-wise, my assistant person is out so I’m doing two people’s jobs at a crucial part of the milestone so that’s always fun. Tally of how many weeks I kept my mellow from my extended break…5. This week I got my frantic back on. Oh well, time to plan a vacation, right?
So, this is where I was supposed to be tapering for my OMG FIRST MARATHON and now, not so much. Now, the focus is:
a) calorie deficit.
b) lifting heavy things
c) short and intense cardio
d) preparing for being an adult
So what have I done?
2364 burned
1389 eaten
975 deficit
(30 min eliptical + 30 mins crunchtime)
2894 burned
1403 eaten
1491 deficit
(5.4 mile run – 55 mins)
2627 burned
1777 eaten
850 deficit
(30 mins – 9 mile bike hills + 50 mins pilates)
2865 burned
1999 eaten
866 deficit
(4 mile run 43 mins)
2460 burned
1414 eaten
1046 deficit
(30 mins weights)
3903 burned
2702 eaten
1201 deficit
(10 mile run, 2 hours)
2322 burned
1841 eaten
481 deficit
(rest day)
So, for all intents and purposes, I should be well on my way to losin’ it. Not so much. I’m a lb up. Sticking with it for a while but really, we’re stumped. Even if the ratios are a bit off, I should be down a bit. /sigh. My miraculous wondrous body.
My huge non scale victory is that I will do 4 strength sessions this week without dying. 2 mostly-core classes, and 2 arms-and-legs heavy lifting. I’m sore in an awesome way. I look forward to my guns and leg definition resurfacing. Perhaps this is the missing link. Really, fitness gods, I’ll do whatever you want… just direct me there, kthx.
Other than finding that my capacity for recovery is better than I though, it seems to be making me faster even on sore muscles. Bonus. I logged my best hills bike session in a long ass time and a really great couple of sub-10 min mile runs. They are taking more effort than they should but I’ll work on that.

and how did he KNOW sunflowers are my fave?
Awww, flowers for NO reason?! What a doll! And I’m sorry your weight loss has been so frustrating (and confusing). Seriously if there is anyone who does everything “right” it’s you!