Adjusted Reality

“Reality can be beaten with enough imagination.” – Mark Twain

5 Random Things Friday

It’s been one hell of a week, one of those that have both dragged (omg is it three day weekend time YET?) and gone fast (my to do list looks about the same as it did Monday – oops).  So it’s time to pull out the 5 random things!

1.  I am lovin’ my new hairdo.  I was so afraid shorter hair would mean high maintenance but I think it’s even easier to roll out of bed, spray some gel in it, tousle, and by the time I get to work it looks awesome.  Even after working out.  Or with bike ride helmet hair.  I luvz it.  Here is a better pic below with me sporting it curly AND my awesome tie dye hoodie I made AND the awesome yellow, green, and purple beaded necklace I made.  I R so crafty lately!

2.  I have some really really awesome news that is official and some other really really awesome news that is not yet official.  I think I am going to wait until they are BOTH official and share.  Let it suffice to say that it took about 2 years and a whole lot of hangin’ in there and a lot of faith in the universe to steer us in the right direction, but I do believe that patience here has been rewarded.  I’ve said too much.  Moving on.

3.  Plans this long weekend: we’re hosting a BBQ and having some friends over.  Zliten is cooking up three types of ribs, a friend is doing chicken, and I’m making my famous potato salad, veggie pasta salad, and dip (roasted garlic/feta/herb w/lowfat sour cream and some other goodies).  There will be some other random goodness – with our friends it’s always too much awesome food.  Other than that – cleaning and prepping for said occasion, a mellow night over at said friend with chicken’s house tonight, and just lots of relaxing and destressing.  Activity-wise, I hope to get in an EPIC bike ride (20 miles or over 15 at least) one day, more weights and yoga, and some fun stuff like a walking adventure or whatever happens.

4.  It has been mentally nice to not track every little calorie.  Really, really nice.  I’m interested to see the next weigh in and if I’ve lost weight, then maybe I’ll stick with it… I do have an unnatural curiousity to see how much my bike ride torched this morning cal-wise but I’m STAYING AWAY.

5.  My heel is pretty much recovered, but I think it’s time to bite the bullet and go in and hit RunTex or something and get them to take a peek at my gait and suggest a shoe for me.  I don’t think this running thing is a fad, and I might as well invest a little bit more in some shoes that will make me not have to limp around (even though they were just FUCKING FINE before when I trained and ran a half marathon in their previous version and now I can’t run a 5k – *shakes fist*).  I figure I can splurge on it once and if it doesn’t make a difference, I’ll be at Academy anyway in 6 months like I always am and give another brand a go…

Bonus: Zliten also chopped his hair – he said it was time.  It’s been long for as long as most of our friends now knew us so it was really weird to them, but since I’ve known him hair long and short, it’s just different.  I think it looks good!  I keep saying it will be fun when it’s longer on top and there is more to play with but it looks super cute now.  This is not the most flattering picture ever but it works:

Anyone else just DYING for it to be weekend time yet?  Out already and enjoying (I’ll try not to hate you too much)?  Big awesome plans?  Tell me your happy!

See ya in the early next week times…


Too Much Fun for Regrets


My Name Is…

1 Comment

  1. cutest hair ever!!!! just finished the three-day weekend and i’m already ready for weekendtime again …

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