I finally feel like I can post a small ounce of politics here now that the election is over. Just to be contrary? Well, I do love that, but for quite another reason, really. I prefer that people make up their own minds, and I don’t really feel it is my right to sway anyone, being not terribly political or involved myself. If you’re so inclined, read up on all the candidates’ views and vote for who you agree with the most. At least read up on what the different parties stand for and vote accordingly. If nothing else, watch the box set of the West Wing. Aaron Sorkin’s writing is captivating and intelligent, and you’ll learn more than you ever wanted to know about how things work in the white house, even though I’m sure it is glammed up a notch or twenty.
Also placing me in the “I fail to be able to evangelize anything policital” category is how I became a democrat. I was replacing my driver’s license for the 15th time (stupid things always ran away from me) and since I was just over 18, they asked me if I wanted to register to vote. One of my best friends in high school was sitting there with me while I filled it out. I was pretty much clueless on what each party stood for (being that my father is a democrat and my mom is a republican, we didn’t talk politics much around the house). She asked me if I thought people should be able to do drugs. I said, sure, why not, it’s their choice, and thus she said I was a democrat and I signed up as such. I mean, I picked correctly, I definitely embrace democratic ideals after learning more, but I certainly didn’t go there at first for the right reason. I also didn’t vote in 2000 because I was “too busy”, and look who we elected. I voted in 2004, but it wasn’t really for anyone, it was against Bush.
This year, I finally started taking an interest. After reading all the information out there, I fully support giving someone a little different a chance to change the country for the better. While I think the last 8 years could have gone worse if I really stretch my imagination, it most definitely could have been better. I’m pretty sure that if we did not at least pick the right person, a vast majority of the people in the country called out yesterday for something different, and those in charge will need to listen.
I am also hoping that we, as a country, can get beyond trying to pass laws limiting rights, freedoms, and choice. California, while passing it with a much more narrow margin, still chose to ban gay marriage this election. I’m straight as an arrow (although I do tend to like guys with long hair…I’m not sure what that says about me), but it’s my opinion that marriage is two people saying to each other, “I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you”. It doesn’t matter if they have their naughty bits on the inside or the outside. My two friends back in college got married for tax reasons, he was gay, she was just straight and single. Over half of marriages end in divorce. Sanctity, my ass. I’m hopeful that next time it goes to vote, it won’t go down the same way, but it still saddens me that we could even fathom passing laws that make not a lick of difference to anyone but the people from which we take things away. Nothing is safer or better. Why do we want to take things away from people, and how does it better our own lives? At least the other horrible proposals taking away abortion rights got shot down…
I’m hopeful for a new start. It will be an interesting 4 years, and I look forward to seeing what unfolds.
When I first registered to vote, I picked “Independent” not realizing that it was an actual party and not license to vote willy nilly:) I changed parties once I realized I couldn’t vote in any primaries!!