Longer post with assloads of pictures to come, but… we are happy and fat and have returned back from vacation.  Here is the abridged version…


We spent a weekend in Portland, it was a thing of beauty.  Running and roses were first on the agenda.


Beauty is also in the beerholder (just not the after affects the next day).


Then, we moved onto the Oregon Coast for a few days.  We found out that 50-something is actually a temperature in July, but swimming is possible with preparation in 55 degree water.


Then, we hightailed it to Northern California, for some family time.  Water temperatures in the low 60s felt downright pleasant after Oregon!  We enjoyed our morning runs on the beach each day, though we were scared of being pooped on.


Monterey Bay Aquarium was definitely a highlight of the trip.  So many camera batteries died that day taking hundreds of pictures.


And now I’m enjoying one more lazy day before jumping back into real life – work, eating things that do not come from a snack bag or come in a bun, and training again.  More on that later, of course, as well.